Matplotlib placement of text e.g. suptitle inside the frame


So far i have placed my suptitles above the frame, like this:

enter image description here

How can i get the suptitles from above the frame into the frame?

So far i have a solution that just prints a text and sets it on the right position with computing xlim and ylim. However this is errorprone and if the text is different it just looks aweful. Is there a way to set the suplabel into the frame? Or just place text below the frame and centered?
it would be really convenient, if i did not need to know about the data that is displayed inside the frame.

Asked By: tarrasch



Your solution using text is also my go-to solution. However, you don’t need to compute the position based on xlim and ylim. If you set transform=ax.transAxes the coordinates for positioning the text are taken as being relative to the axes bounding box (0,0 being the lower left corner). Like so:

data = range(1,10);
fig = figure()
for i in range(6):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,3,i)

    ax.text(.5,.9,'centered title',


Plot showing text relative to axes bounding box.

Hope that helps!

Answered By: Tobias

Have you considered axes.set_title? You can also pass x and y coordinates as keyword arguments ax.set_title("my title", x=0.5, y=0.6).

Hope this helps.

Answered By: dmcdougall
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