How to identify which OS Python is running on


What do I need to look at to see whether I’m on Windows or Unix, etc.?

Asked By: Mark Harrison



>>> import os


>>> import platform

>>> platform.system()

>>> platform.release()

The output of platform.system() is as follows:

  • Linux: Linux
  • Mac: Darwin
  • Windows: Windows

See: platform — Access to underlying platform’s identifying data

Answered By: Louis Brandy

Here are the system results for Windows Vista!

>>> import os


>>> import platform

>>> platform.system()

>>> platform.release()

And for Windows 10:

>>> import os


>>> import platform

>>> platform.system()

>>> platform.release()
Answered By: Joey deVilla

For the record, here are the results on Mac:

>>> import os
>>> import platform
>>> platform.system()
>>> platform.release()
Answered By: Mark Harrison

You can also use sys.platform if you already have imported sys and you don’t want to import another module

>>> import sys
>>> sys.platform
Answered By: Moe

I am using the WLST tool that comes with WebLogic, and it doesn’t implement the platform package.

wls:/offline> import os
wls:/offline> print
wls:/offline> import sys
wls:/offline> print sys.platform

Apart from patching the system (issue with os.system() on Windows Server 2003 with JDK 1.5) (which I can’t do, I have to use WebLogic out of the box), this is what I use:

def iswindows():
  os = java.lang.System.getProperty( "" )
  return "win" in os.lower()
Answered By: Alftheo

In the same vein….

import platform

is_windows = (platform.system().lower().find("win") > -1)

    lv_dll = LV_dll("my_so_dll.dll")
    lv_dll = LV_dll("./")
Answered By: Elden

def cls():
    from subprocess import call
    from platform import system

    os = system()
    if os == 'Linux':
        call('clear', shell = True)
    elif os == 'Windows':
        call('cls', shell = True)
Answered By: urantialife

For Jython the only way to get the OS name I found is to check the Java property (I tried with sys, os and platform modules for Jython 2.5.3 on Windows XP):

def get_os_platform():
    """return platform name, but for Jython it uses Java property"""
    ver = sys.platform.lower()
    if ver.startswith('java'):
        import java.lang
        ver = java.lang.System.getProperty("").lower()
    print('platform: %s' % (ver))
    return ver
Answered By: Michał Niklas

If you want user readable data, but still detailed, you can use platform.platform():

>>> import platform
>>> platform.platform()

Here are a few different possible calls you can make to identify where you are. linux_distribution and dist are removed in recent Python versions.

import platform
import sys

def linux_distribution():
    return platform.linux_distribution()
    return "N/A"

def dist():
    return platform.dist()
    return "N/A"

print("""Python version: %s
dist: %s
linux_distribution: %s
system: %s
machine: %s
platform: %s
uname: %s
version: %s
mac_ver: %s
""" % (

The outputs of this script ran on a few different systems (Linux, Windows, Solaris, and macOS) and architectures (x86, x64, Itanium, PowerPC, and SPARC) is available at OS_flavor_name_version.

Ubuntu 12.04 server (Precise Pangolin), for example, gives:

Python version: ['2.6.5 (r265:79063, Oct  1 2012, 22:04:36) ', '[GCC 4.4.3]']
dist: ('Ubuntu', '10.04', 'lucid')
linux_distribution: ('Ubuntu', '10.04', 'lucid')
system: Linux
machine: x86_64
platform: Linux-2.6.32-32-server-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-10.04-lucid
uname: ('Linux', 'xxx', '2.6.32-32-server', '#62-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 20 22:07:43 UTC 2011', 'x86_64', '')
version: #62-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 20 22:07:43 UTC 2011
mac_ver: ('', ('', '', ''), '')
Answered By: Jens Timmerman

Interesting results on Windows 8:

>>> import os
>>> import platform
>>> platform.system()
>>> platform.release()

That’s a bug.

Answered By: Eric

If you not looking for the kernel version, etc., but looking for the Linux distribution, you may want to use the following.

In Python 2.6 and later:

>>> import platform

>>> print platform.linux_distribution()
('CentOS Linux', '6.0', 'Final')

>>> print platform.linux_distribution()[0]
CentOS Linux

>>> print platform.linux_distribution()[1]

In Python 2.4:

>>> import platform

>>> print platform.dist()
('centos', '6.0', 'Final')

>>> print platform.dist()[0]

>>> print platform.dist()[1]

Obviously, this will work only if you are running this on Linux. If you want to have a more generic script across platforms, you can mix this with code samples given in other answers.

Answered By: sunil

Sample code to differentiate operating systems using Python:

import sys

if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):  # could be "linux", "linux2", "linux3", ...
    # linux
elif sys.platform == "darwin":
    # MAC OS X
elif == "nt":
    # Windows, Cygwin, etc. (either 32-bit or 64-bit)
Answered By: user3928804

Check the available tests with module platform and print the answer out for your system:

import platform

print dir(platform)

for x in dir(platform):
    if x[0].isalnum():
            result = getattr(platform, x)()
            print "platform." + x + ": " + result
        except TypeError:
Answered By: Stefan Gruenwald

Try this:

import os


And you can make it:

info = os.uname()
Answered By: user4410697

Watch out if you’re on Windows with Cygwin where is posix.

>>> import os, platform
>>> print
>>> print platform.system()
Answered By: the

You can also use only the platform module without importing the os module to get all the information.

>>> import platform
>>> platform.uname()
('Darwin', 'mainframe.local', '15.3.0', 'Darwin Kernel Version 15.3.0: Thu Dec 10 18:40:58 PST 2015; root:xnu-3248.30.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64', 'x86_64', 'i386')

A nice and tidy layout for reporting purpose can be achieved using this line:

for i in zip(['system', 'node', 'release', 'version', 'machine', 'processor'], platform.uname()):print i[0], ':', i[1]

That gives this output:

system : Darwin
node : mainframe.local
release : 15.3.0
version : Darwin Kernel Version 15.3.0: Thu Dec 10 18:40:58 PST 2015; root:xnu-3248.30.4~1/RELEASE_X86_64
machine : x86_64
processor : i386

Usually the operating system version is missing, but you should know if you are running Windows, Linux or Mac, a platform-independent way is to use this test:

In []: for i in [platform.linux_distribution(), platform.mac_ver(), platform.win32_ver()]:
   ....:     if i[0]:
   ....:         print 'Version: ', i[0]
Answered By: G M


import psutil

psutil.MACOS   # True ("OSX" is deprecated)
psutil.WINDOWS # False
psutil.LINUX   # False

This would be the output if I was using macOS.

Answered By: whackamadoodle3000

If you are running Mac OS X and run platform.system() you get Darwin, because Mac OS X is built on Apple’s Darwin OS. Darwin is the kernel of Mac OS X and is essentially Mac OS X without the GUI.

Answered By: Alexander Calvert

Use a simple Enum implementation like the following. There isn’t any need for external libraries!

import platform
from enum import Enum

class OS(Enum):
    def checkPlatform(osName):
        return osName.lower() == platform.system().lower()

    MAC = checkPlatform("darwin")
    LINUX = checkPlatform("linux")
    WINDOWS = checkPlatform("windows")  # I haven't tested this one

Simply you can access them with the Enum value:

if OS.LINUX.value:
    print("Cool. It is Linux")

PS: It is Python 3.

Answered By: Memin

This solution works for both Python and Jython.


import platform
import os

# This module contains functions to determine the basic type of
# OS we are running on.
# Contrary to the functions in the `os` and `platform` modules,
# these allow to identify the actual basic OS,
# no matter whether running on the `python` or `jython` interpreter.

def is_linux():
        return True
        return False

def is_windows():
        return True
        return False

def is_mac():
        return True
        return False

def name():
    if is_linux():
        return "Linux"
    elif is_windows():
        return "Windows"
    elif is_mac():
        return "Mac"
        return "<unknown>"

Use like this:

import os_identify

print "My OS: " +
Answered By: hoijui

You can look at the code in pyOSinfo which is part of the pip-date package, to get the most relevant OS information, as seen from your Python distribution.

One of the most common reasons people want to check their OS is for terminal compatibility and if certain system commands are available. Unfortunately, the success of this checking is somewhat dependent on your Python installation and OS. For example, uname is not available on most Windows Python packages. The above Python program will show you the output of the most commonly used built-in functions, already provided by os, sys, platform, site.

Enter image description here

So the best way to get only the essential code is looking at that as an example.

Answered By: not2qubit

I started a bit more systematic listing of what values you can expect using the various modules:

Linux (64 bit) + WSL

                            x86_64            aarch64
                            ------            -------                     posix             posix
sys.platform                linux             linux
platform.system()           Linux             Linux
sysconfig.get_platform()    linux-x86_64      linux-aarch64
platform.machine()          x86_64            aarch64
platform.architecture()     ('64bit', '')     ('64bit', 'ELF')

Windows (64 bit)

(with 32-bit column running in the 32-bit subsystem)

Official Python installer   64 bit                    32 bit
-------------------------   -----                     -----                     nt                        nt
sys.platform                win32                     win32
platform.system()           Windows                   Windows
sysconfig.get_platform()    win-amd64                 win32
platform.machine()          AMD64                     AMD64
platform.architecture()     ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')    ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')

msys2                       64 bit                     32 bit
-----                       -----                     -----                     posix                     posix
sys.platform                msys                      msys
platform.system()           MSYS_NT-10.0              MSYS_NT-10.0-WOW
sysconfig.get_platform()    msys-2.11.2-x86_64        msys-2.11.2-i686
platform.machine()          x86_64                    i686
platform.architecture()     ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')    ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')

msys2                       mingw-w64-x86_64-python3  mingw-w64-i686-python3
-----                       ------------------------  ----------------------                     nt                        nt
sys.platform                win32                     win32
platform.system()           Windows                   Windows
sysconfig.get_platform()    mingw                     mingw
platform.machine()          AMD64                     AMD64
platform.architecture()     ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')    ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')

Cygwin                      64 bit                    32 bit
------                      -----                     -----                     posix                     posix
sys.platform                cygwin                    cygwin
platform.system()           CYGWIN_NT-10.0            CYGWIN_NT-10.0-WOW
sysconfig.get_platform()    cygwin-3.0.1-x86_64       cygwin-3.0.1-i686
platform.machine()          x86_64                    i686
platform.architecture()     ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')    ('32bit', 'WindowsPE')

Some remarks:

  • there is also distutils.util.get_platform() which is identical to `sysconfig.get_platform
  • Anaconda on Windows is the same as the official Python Windows installer
  • I don’t have a Mac nor a true 32-bit system and was not motivated to do it online

To compare with your system, simply run this script:

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import platform
import sysconfig

print("                      ",
print("sys.platform                 ",  sys.platform)
print("platform.system()            ",  platform.system())
print("sysconfig.get_platform()     ",  sysconfig.get_platform())
print("platform.machine()           ",  platform.machine())
print("platform.architecture()      ",  platform.architecture())
Answered By: coldfix

This a function I use to make adjustments on my code so it runs on Windows, Linux and macOS:

import sys

def get_os(osoptions={'linux':'linux', 'Windows':'win', 'macos':'darwin'}):
    Get OS to allow code specifics
    opsys = [k for k in osoptions.keys() if sys.platform.lower().find(osoptions[k].lower()) != -1]
        return opsys[0]
        return 'unknown_OS'
Answered By: tudor

Short Story

Use platform.system(). It returns Windows, Linux or Darwin (for OS X).

Long Story

There are three ways to get the OS in Python, each with its own pro and cons:

Method 1

>>> import sys
>>> sys.platform
'win32'  # could be 'linux', 'linux2, 'darwin', 'freebsd8' etc

How this works (source): Internally it calls OS APIs to get the name of the OS as defined by the OS. See here for various OS-specific values.

Pro: No magic, low level.

Con: OS version dependent, so best not to use directly.

Method 2

>>> import os
'nt'  # for Linux and Mac it prints 'posix'

How this works (source): Internally it checks if Python has OS-specific modules called posix or nt.

Pro: Simple to check if it is a POSIX OS

Con: no differentiation between Linux or OS X.

Method 3

>>> import platform
>>> platform.system()
'Windows' # For Linux it prints 'Linux'. For Mac, it prints `'Darwin'

How this works (source): Internally it will eventually call internal OS APIs, get the OS version-specific name, like ‘win32’ or ‘win16’ or ‘linux1’ and then normalize to more generic names like ‘Windows’ or ‘Linux’ or ‘Darwin’ by applying several heuristics.

Pro: The best portable way for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

Con: Python folks must keep normalization heuristic up to date.


  • If you want to check if OS is Windows or Linux, or OS X, then the most reliable way is platform.system().
  • If you want to make OS-specific calls, but via built-in Python modules posix or nt, then use
  • If you want to get the raw OS name as supplied by the OS itself, then use sys.platform.
Answered By: Shital Shah

Here is an easy and simple-to-understand Pythonic way to detect the OS in code. It was tested on Python 3.7.

from sys import platform

class UnsupportedPlatform(Exception):

if "linux" in platform:
elif "darwin" in platform:
elif "win" in platform:
    raise UnsupportedPlatform
Answered By: robmsmt

Use platform.system()

Returns the system/OS name, such as ‘Linux’, ‘Darwin’, ‘Java’, ‘Windows’. An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.

import platform
system = platform.system().lower()

is_windows = system == 'windows'
is_linux = system == 'linux'
is_mac = system == 'darwin'

There are a lot of ways to find this. The easiest way is to use the os package:

import os

Answered By: Allan Hawkin