In a Python function, Is there a way to tell the argument's variable name on the caller side?


I am trying to create a logger function:

def logger(someVariable): 
    # some code that prints the name of someVariable 

So when I call the function:

logger(myvarA)        # should output the string 'myvarA'
logger(someobj.varB)  # should output the string 'someobj.varB'
logger(myarr[3])      # should (probably) output 'myarr[3]'

Not sure if all or even any of these cases are possible? The use case for this is to have a simple function in iPython Notebook to log any variables for their values without having to type something like below:

Asked By: Pan Yan



The inspect module ( will also give you the code context. You simply need to parse that to get the text of what was passed. With only a single variable, it’s pretty easy to do. Here’s a sample.

import inspect
import re

def handle_nested_parens(v):
   parens = 0
   output = ""
   for c in v:
       if c == ")":
           parens = parens - 1
           if parens < 0:
               return output
       output += c
       if c == "(":
           parens = parens + 1
   return output

def logger(v):
   currentframe = inspect.currentframe()
   code_context = inspect.getouterframes(currentframe,1)[1][4][0]
   variable = handle_nested_parens(re.sub(r".*logger((.*)",r"1", code_context))
   print("{0} => {1}".format(variable, v))

def testing(a):

def submain(a):
   ab = (1, 2, a)
   return 15

def main():
   xyz = "hello"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = 5

It outputs

a => 5
xyz => hello
testing(ab) => (1, 2, 'hello')
submain(xyz) => 15
Answered By: clockwatcher

For anyone looking for something like this today I have a get_variable_name() function in my argel1200.utilties that does this. You can do a pip install argel1200 to get it.


Called by dumps()

Pulls the variable names from the function that called this function

This function traces back through the call stack, so we have to subtract -1
for every intermediate function, including this function.

Subtract -1 for every intermediate step in the call stack.
So we have: -1 for this function -1 for whoever called it = -2, which is the default.

If there are more functions in the middle then subtract -1 for each of them. For example:
-1 for this function -1 for dumps(), and -1 for whoever called dumps = -3.

:param stack_back: How far back we need to go in the stack (see above description)
:return: Returns the variable name(s)

And here’s the function:

import re
import traceback    
def get_variable_name(stack_back=-2):
    stack = traceback.extract_stack()
    caller_name = stack[-2].name
    caller_len = len(caller_name)
    line = stack[stack_back].line
    # Example line: print('fu', 'bar/', argel1200.utilities.dumps(header), '/foobar')
    my_line = re.sub(r'(s|u180B|u200B|u200C|u200D|u2060|uFEFF)+', '', line)  # Remove all whitespace
    caller_start = my_line.find(caller_name + '(')  # Find where the caller string is (e.g. where "dumps(" starts)
    caller_end = caller_start + caller_len  # And where it ends (the index of the '(' in "dumps("  )
    my_line_substr = my_line[caller_end:]  # Get a substr of everything past the caller (e.g. "dumps").

    # Now let's find all the variable names passed in
    vars_passed_in = []
    parens = 0
    str_start = None
    for idx, char in enumerate(my_line_substr):
        if char == '(':
            parens += 1
            str_start = idx + 1
        elif char == ',' or char == ')':
            str_start = idx + 1
            if char == ')':
                parens -= 1
                if parens == 0:
    return vars_passed_in

You can see the code on GitHub:

The function dumps() just below it calls it, so you can see how that works.

Answered By: argel1200
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