Iterating over list of raw strings isn't displaying correctly in a plot title


I have a series of labels for a range of subplots, each of which is a raw string:

labels = [r"$beta$", r"$alpha$", r"$omega$"]

I want my plots to have the Greek letters displayed, but when I do:

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3)
for i, label in enumerate(labels):

The titles show $beta$, $alpha$, and $omega$ instead of the desired output. I could just use Greek letters for my labels directly, but I was wondering if there’s a way to achieve this with raw string formatting. I also tried axs[i].set_title(fr"{label}") and axs[i].set_title(r"%s"%label) but without luck so far. Any suggestion?

Asked By: gimi



slash goes before the keyword:

labels = [r"$beta$", r"$alpha$", r"$omega$"]

see here for more info

Answered By: dermen