multidimensional jax.isin()


i am trying to filter an array of triples.
The criterion by which I want to filter is whether another array of triples contains at
least one element with the same first and third element. E.g

import jax.numpy as jnp
array1 = jnp.array(
array2 = jnp.array([[0,1,3],[0,3,2]])
# the mask to filter the first array1 should look like this:

What would be a computationally efficient way to achieve this mask using jax?
I am looking forward to your input.

Asked By: Simon P.



You can do this by reducing over a broadcasted equality check:

import jax.numpy as jnp
array1 = jnp.array(
array2 = jnp.array([[0,1,2],[0,3,2]])  # note adjustment to match first entry of array1

mask = (array1[:, None] == array2[None, :]).all(-1).any(-1)
# [ True False False False False False]

XLA doesn’t have any binary search-like primitive, so the best approach in general is to generate the full equality matrix and reduce. If you’re running the code on an accelerator like a GPU/TPU, this sort of vectorized operation is efficiently parallelized and so it will be computed quite efficiently in practice.

Answered By: jakevdp
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