Django ORM for fetching latest record for specific ID


How do I write a django ORM to fetch the most recent records from the table for a specific id.


I have table(tr_data) data like:

id trs(foreign key) status last_updated
1 301 3 2022-11-28 06:14:28
2 301 4 2022-11-28 06:15:28
3 302 3 2022-11-28 06:14:28
4 302 4 2022-11-28 06:15:28
5 302 2 2022-11-28 06:16:28

I want to have a queryset values that gives me trs id with its latest status.I have tried with aggragate and MAX but not getting the desired result.

Expecting ouput as :
[{"trs":301, "status":4},"trs":302,"status":2}]

Asked By: katari jayanth



Possible duplicate
Django ORM: Group by and Max

You can achieve this by annotate and Max. In the tr_data model, add a related_name parameter to trs something like ‘tr_status’.

Write an orm:

latest_objs = TrData.objects.annotate(temp=Max('trs__tr_status__last_updated')).filter(last_updated).values('trs', 'status')
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