Get argparse exec to properly load variables from python config file


I am trying to get Argparse exec should load the variables user_token and channel_id from the file inputted by the user (--config-file argparse argument).

For whatever reason it will only load the main config file (from config import *) even when running the proper commands to load in another one besides the main:

I’ve tried to remove config import * and have parser() return user_token after the exec call but that ends up return None type. yet if i print out the result of config_file in it returns whatever was input into –config-file part of the command, meaning it’s parsing the command but not able to properly read the file

python3 --config-file would run account1

python3 --config-file would run account2

config file template(all are located in same directory as

channel_id = XXXXX
user_token = "XXXXX" file:

from asyncio import sleep
import argparse
import discord, datetime
import tweepy
from config import *

def parser():   
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--config-file", type=str, required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    config_file = args.config_file

class Client(discord.Client):
    active = True      

    async def pauseBump(self): = False
        print("Bump paused.")

    async def continueBump(self): = True
        print("Bump restored.")

    async def clean(self, user_message=None, bot_message=None):
        await sleep(3)
        if user_message is not None:
            await user_message.delete()
        if bot_message is not None:
            await bot_message.delete()
        print("Chat cleaned")

    async def send(self, ctx, content):
        message = await"{} {content}")
        print(f"Sent '{content}' to '{}'")
        await self.clean(ctx, message)

    async def bumpCheck(self):
        channels_ids = []
        for server in self.guilds:
            for channel in server.channels:
                if str(channel.type) == 'text':
        #channels_ids = [ for channel in channels]
        # Get a list of all chanells in the current server
        for channel_id in channels_ids:
            channel = self.get_channel(channel_id)
            async for message in channel.history(limit=50):
                if != self.user:
                    if "react" in message.content.lower():
                        await message.add_reaction("N{THUMBS UP SIGN}")
            # Code from original auto-bump author
            if str( == "DISCORD_ADMIN_NAME":
                if "Bump done" in message.embeds[0].description:
                    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                    two = datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
                    min = datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)

                    difference = now - message.created_at
                    difference = two - difference + min
                    print(f"Time until next bump {difference}")

                    return difference.seconds
        return 120
        # Code from original auto-bump author
    async def bump(self):
        self.diff = await self.bumpCheck()
        await sleep(self.diff)
        channel = self.get_channel(channel_id)
        command = await channel.send("bump")
        print("Server bumped")
        return command

    async def on_ready(self):
        print(f"Logged as {self.user}")
        while == True:
            command = await self.bump()
            await self.clean(command)

    async def on_message(self, message):
        if == self.user:
            if message.content == "!pause":
                await self.pauseBump()
                await self.send(message, "Bot is paused :sleeping:")

            elif message.content == "!continue":
                await self.continueBump()
                await self.send(
                    f"Bump is activated, next bump in {self.diff} seconds :hourglass_flowing_sand:",

Client().run( user_token, bot=False)
Asked By: JP Codes



This works, but i DO NOT recommend it! Do NOT use python files as config files by loading the content via exec. This can have unwanted effects, depending on what is in the file. Use a json file and override the imported config variables.

from asyncio import sleep
import argparse
import discord, datetime
import tweepy
from config import *

def parser():   
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--config-file", type=str, required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    config_file = args.config_file
    return open(config_file).read()
Answered By: phibel
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