How to convert the OpenCV GetPerpectiveTransform Matrix into a CSS Matrix?


I have a matrix from the Python Open-CV library:

M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(source_points, points)

But it is completely different from the CSS Transform Matrix
Even though it has the same shape I think open-cv does some kind of other translations to x and y depending on the scale and skew of the numbers.
I have an Image in the source points (green) and the target points(orange)

enter image description here

With cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(source, target) I get the matrix:

array([[ 7.45735546e-01, -8.09538161e-02,  1.02930118e+01],
       [-4.69040997e-01,  8.60285055e-01,  7.66245963e+01],
       [-6.90849647e-04, -3.31231543e-04,  1.00000000e+00]])

And finally the cv2.wrapPerspective I get my image:

enter image description here

but if I try that same matrix with CSS transform, using the homogeneous matrix transform: matrix(0.74574, -0.46904, -0.08095, 0.86029, -88.57274000000001, -102.30782) and the same values of the cv2 matrix I get:

enter image description here

I tried to search for the getPerpectiveTransform algorithm but I just found examples on how to use it.
What I’m missing?

Asked By: Diego Rodea



I solved it using the help of computing CSS matrix3d.
The resultant matrix is the same from the cv2.getPerspectiveTransform you must use it with transform: matrix3d and transform-origin: -left px -up px.

The left up pixels are the origin points from the upper left corner in negative as the origin is in 0,0 and you are substracting the origin corner

enter image description here

Answered By: Diego Rodea