count similar values from list of dictionaries


I have a list of dictionaries and I need to count unique entries.
Then I need to sort the values based on the tuple that is part of the key "corrected_word" (2 < 3 < 33)

mylist = [
{'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3)},
{'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3)},
{'original_word': 'test2', 'corrected_word': ('test22', 2)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33)}

Expected Output:

mylist = [
{'original_word': 'test2', 'corrected_word': ('test22', 2, 1)},
{'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3, 2)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33, 3)}

I have tried this:

from collections import Counter
Counter([str(i) for i in mylist])

But it does not return the list of dictionaries.

Asked By: shantanuo



You can use a combination of defaultdict, set, and sorted to achieve the desired result.

First, create a defaultdict with set as the default factory to count the unique entries based on the original_word and corrected_word fields:

from collections import defaultdict

unique_entries = defaultdict(set)
for entry in mylist:
    unique_entries[(entry['original_word'], entry['corrected_word'])].add(entry['corrected_word'][1])

Then, use a list comprehension to sort the unique entries based on the second element of the corrected_word tuple:

sorted_entries = [{'original_word': k[0], 'corrected_word': (*k[1], len(v))}
                  for k, v in sorted(unique_entries.items(), key=lambda x: x[0][1][1])]

The key argument of the sorted function specifies that the items should be sorted based on the second element of the corrected_word tuple.

The final result will be a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the original_word and corrected_word fields, as well as a count of the number of times the unique entry appears in the original list.

full Code :

from collections import defaultdict

mylist = [
{'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3)},
{'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3)},
{'original_word': 'test2', 'corrected_word': ('test22', 2)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33)}

unique_entries = defaultdict(set)
for entry in mylist:
    unique_entries[(entry['original_word'], entry['corrected_word'])].add(entry['corrected_word'][1])

sorted_entries = [{'original_word': k[0], 'corrected_word': (*k[1], len(v))}
                  for k, v in sorted(unique_entries.items(), key=lambda x: x[0][1][1])]


the output :

[{'original_word': 'test2', 'corrected_word': ('test22', 2, 1)}, {'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3, 2)}, {'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33, 3)}]
Answered By: Hosseinreza
  1. convert to tuples before counter
  2. convert back to dicts and add the count
  3. sort based on number
def dict_and_add_count(item):
    original_data, count = item
    original_dict = dict(original_data)
    original_dict['corrected_word'] = (*original_dict['corrected_word'], count)
    return original_dict

counted_unique_tuples = Counter(tuple(d.items()) for d in mylist)
dict_with_count = map(dict_and_add_count, counted_unique_tuples.items())
sorted_dicts = sorted(dict_with_count, key=lambda x: x['corrected_word'][1])

sorted_dicts will be

[{'original_word': 'test2', 'corrected_word': ('test22', 2, 1)},
{'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3, 2)},
{'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33, 3)}]
Answered By: arrmansa

Create a list of tuples, where the first element of each tuple is the original word, and the remaining elements are the elements in the corresponding corrected_word tuple. Then put this list through Counter

from collections import Counter
ctr = Counter(((item['original_word'], *item['corrected_word']) for item in mylist))

This gives:

Counter({('test3', 'test3', 33): 3, ('test1', 'test12', 3): 2, ('test2', 'test22', 2): 1})

Then, build your result list and sort it by the value you want:

result = sorted([
          {'original_word': ow, 'corrected_word': (*cw, count)} for (ow, *cw), count in ctr.items()
          ], key=lambda item: item['corrected_word'][1])

Which gives the desired result:

 {'original_word': 'test2', 'corrected_word': ('test22', 2, 1)},
 {'original_word': 'test1', 'corrected_word': ('test12', 3, 2)},
 {'original_word': 'test3', 'corrected_word': ('test3', 33, 3)}

Try it online!

Answered By: Pranav Hosangadi
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