Implement order definition by multiple attributes


I’d like to know how to efficiently sort by object’s multiple attributes. For instance, given

class A:
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self.a == other.a:
            return self.b < other.b
        return self.a < other.a

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.a}, {self.b})'

A1 = A(1, 5)
A2 = A(2, 5)
A3 = A(1, 6)
A4 = A(4, 0)
A5 = A(-3, -3)
A6 = A(0, 7)

l = [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]

The expected order of class A instances after sorting is
A5, A6, A1, A3, A2, A4, i.e.

A(-3, -3)
A(0, 7)
A(1, 5)
A(1, 6)
A(2, 5)
A(4, 0)

because I want to order by both attributes a and b values.
However, with the increasing number of attributes the logic relying on embedded conditional statements, e.g.

class A:
    def __init__(self, a, b, c=1):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if self.a == other.a:
            if self.b == other.b:
                return self.c < other.c
            return self.b < other.b
        return self.a < other.a

seems to be cumbersome.

Do you have a better idea to implement such a sorting for a custom object? I was expecting the short circuit to do the trick:

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.a < other.a or self.b < other.b

but it generated following order:

A(-3, -3)
A(0, 7)
A(4, 0)
A(1, 5)
A(1, 6)
A(2, 5)

which is not what I want.

Asked By: user2300369



In Python sequences are ordered in the same way you want your objects ordered (see, so you can co-opt that mechanism for your use case. For example:

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return (self.a, self.b, self.c) < (other.a, other.b, other.c)
Answered By: Benji York

To implement the logic you are describing I think it’d make sense to set a canonical importance order somewhere (ie. make it explicit that things are sorted in the a, b, c, order…)

class A:
    def __init__(self, a, b, c=1):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c
        self._ordered_attrs = ['a','b','c']
    def __lt__(self, other):
        for attr in self._ordered_attrs:
            if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
                return getattr(self, attr) < getattr(other, attr)
        return False

This implements the same logic you were describing, but as a loop over the attributes.

Answered By: MYK

You could use dataclass:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class A:
    a: int
    b: int
Answered By: Kelly Bundy
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