How to alphabetically sort values in a pandas column that is a list


I had a question about sorting values in a list in a dataframe. I have sales order data with about 3000 rows. A sales order can contain one or multiple inventory items. I reshaped my data and was able to create a dataset like this:

Current result:

sales_order bundle
so-1 apple, pear, tomato
so-2 bread, fish
so-3 fish, bread
so-4 pear, tomato, apple
so-5 tomato

I would like to sort each ‘bundle’ value alphabetically by row, so I can group the resulting string, quantify, and visualize in tableau against other data in my dataframe, but am having trouble doing so.

I tried various things like a lambda function and ‘sort’, but that ruined the data. I also tried using sort values on the bundle column, and this helped in certain ways, but did not sort the items in the list alphabetically.

sales_order bundle
so-1 apple, pear, tomato
so-2 bread, fish
so-3 bread, fish
so-4 apple, pear, tomato
so-5 tomato

is there any way to parse through each ‘bundle’ column value and sort the value alphabetically?

I did try
z = df.copy()
z = z[‘bundle’].sort_values()

this works for my sample data I provided in this question, but only because the data is oversimplified. It doesnt work on my actual data.

here is an example where the sort_values is not sorting my data:

    testdf = pd.DataFrame({'sales_order': ['so-1','so-2'],
    'Inv_item': ['Revolve 3 Clean 110cm,Resolution 3 Glare - 120bp- Normal viscosity',
    'Resolution 3 Glare - 120bp - Normal viscosity,Revolve 3 Clean 110cm']})


    1    Resolution 3 Glare - 120bp - Normal viscosity,...
    0    Revolve 3 Clean 110cm,Resolution 3 Glare - 120...
    Name: Inv_item, dtype: object

Thanks for reading/helping!

Asked By: DrizzTheStampede



You could use the below to sort each value:

df['bundle'].str.split(', ').map(sorted).str.join(', ')

Another option is to use frozenset which can be used in groupby() It wont sort your values, but could be useful.

df['bundle'].str.split(', ').map(frozenset)


0    apple, pear, tomato
1            bread, fish
2            bread, fish
3    apple, pear, tomato
4                 tomato
Answered By: rhug123
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