Making list from elements from each level of a nested list


I have a list:

cleaner = [['Re:', '31_300323', 'RE777']]

I want to check if another list contains same value, I write:

any('31_300323' in sl for sl in cleaner)

and get "True", but if I write:

suka = []
for h in cleaner:
    if any(h in sl for sl in cleaner):

the emptry list remains empty. Why? Thank You

Asked By: Levdar Armenia



Let’s iterate your code,
when you write "for h in cleaner" it means that h is every element in cleaner so the first and only element in cleaner is [‘Re:’, ’31_300323′, ‘RE777’] so now h would be the list i mentioned.
Now let us see your if condition in this condition you are checking if h in sl where sl is [‘Re:’, ’31_300323′, ‘RE777’] by the same logic in above paragraph since sl doesn’t have [‘Re:’, ’31_300323′, ‘RE777’] as its element therefore it would return false and therefore your list is empty.
You are welcome

Answered By: Pranjwal Singh

flatten function: used to flatten the nested_list


def flatten(lst):
    """Flattens a nested list of any depth."""
    flattened = []
    for item in lst:
        if isinstance(item, list):
    return flattened

cleaner=[['Re:', '31_300323', 'RE777','21_110123'],[[['26_100822']]]]
zajavki=['21_220223', '21_110123', '23_200123', '26_100822', '25_260123', '31_300323']

# Flatten the nested list
cleaner_flat = flatten(cleaner)
for word in cleaner_flat:
    if word in zajavki:
print(suko) # ['31_300323','21_110123','26_100822']

Note* If you don’t want duplicates you can use data structure set()

Let’s say you known the depth of the nested_list than you don’t need to flatten the nested list


cleaner=[['Re:', '31_300323', 'RE777'],['Ze:', '23_200123', 'RE778'],['De:', '21_220223', 'RE779']]
zajavki=['21_220223', '21_110123', '23_200123', '26_100822', '25_260123', '31_300323']


for sublist in cleaner:
    for check in sublist:
        if check in zajavki:
print(suko) #['31_300323', '23_200123', '21_220223']
Answered By: Yash Mehta
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