How to find x and y value for following expressions using python expressions 1:2x+1=2 and expressions 2:x-y=3



In python i’m trying to solve above equations to get x and y value using python.

from sympy import symbols, solve, sympify, Eq

def find_variables(eq1, eq2, var1, var2):
    x, y, a, b = symbols('x y {} {}'.format(var1, var2))
    lhs1, rhs1 = eq1.split('=')
    lhs2, rhs2 = eq2.split('=')
    eq1 = Eq(sympify(lhs1.replace(var1, 'a').replace(var2, 'b')),
             sympify(rhs1.replace(var1, 'a').replace(var2, 'b')))
    eq2 = Eq(sympify(lhs2.replace(var1, 'a').replace(var2, 'b')),
             sympify(rhs2.replace(var1, 'a').replace(var2, 'b')))
    soln = solve((eq1, eq2), (a, b))
    xval, yval = None, None
    for s in soln:
        if var1 in str(s):
            xval = s.evalf(subs={b: 0})
        elif var2 in str(s):
            yval = s.evalf(subs={a: 0})
        if xval is not None and yval is not None:
    return xval, yval 

The above function take four inputs ex: find_variables(‘2x+4=2’, ‘x-y=3’, ‘x’, ‘y’) but it is not working the function has to standardise so it can work different formats of expressions

Example 1: find_variables('a^2 + b^2 = 25', 'a - b = 1', 'a', 'b')Example 2:find_variables('2x+4=2', 'x-y=3', 'x', 'y')Example 3:find_variables('3s+1=2', '2s-t=3', 's', 't')

Can anyone solve my problem or anyone having alternative solution to solve my problem.if any alternate packages or functions that solves my problem is appreciated

I tried everything but didn’t got any solution if you find any please help me


Something like the following should work. Instead of defining the functions as strings you could define functions that return sympy equations.

import sympy as sp

# Define equations
def eq1(x, y):
    return sp.Eq(2*x + 1, y)

def eq2(x, y):
    return sp.Eq(3*y - x, 5)

# Solve the system of equations

def find_variables(eq1, eq2, v1, v2):
    x, y = sp.symbols(f"{v1} {v2}")
    sol = sp.solve((eq1(x,y), eq2(x,y)), (x, y))
    return sol[x], sol[y]

print(find_variables(eq1, eq2, "x", "y"))


If you really want to pass in the functions as strings, you could do something like the following.

def find_variables(eq1, eq2, v1, v2):
    def eq1fn(x, y):
        lhs,rhs = eq1.replace(f"{v1}", "x").replace(f"{v2}", "y").split("=")
        return eval(f"sp.Eq({lhs}, {rhs})")
    def eq2fn(x, y):
        lhs,rhs = eq2.replace(f"{v1}", "x").replace(f"{v2}", "y").split("=")
        return eval(f"sp.Eq({lhs}, {rhs})")
    x, y = sp.symbols(f"{v1} {v2}")
    sol = sp.solve((eq1fn(x, y), eq2fn(x, y)), (x, y))
    return sol

print(find_variables("2*a + 1 = 2", "a-b=3", "a", "b"))

I would personally advise against using eval since defining functions is about as difficult in my opinion.

Answered By: KCQs

I’m not sure, but I think that you’re replacing var1 and var2 in the equations and then trying to solve for a and bwhich are variables containing var1 and var2 values. I’d try changing:

soln = solve((eq1, eq2), ('a', 'b'))
Answered By: user118799

This can be achieved using nonlinsolve from the sympy package:

from sympy import symbols, solve, sympify, Eq, nonlinsolve

def find_variables(eq1, eq2, var1, var2):
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    lhs1, rhs1 = eq1.split('=')
    lhs2, rhs2 = eq2.split('=')
    eq1 = Eq(sympify(lhs1.replace(var1, 'x').replace(var2, 'y')),
             sympify(rhs1.replace(var1, 'y').replace(var2, 'y')))
    eq2 = Eq(sympify(lhs2.replace(var1, 'x').replace(var2, 'y')),
             sympify(rhs2.replace(var1, 'x').replace(var2, 'y')))
    soln = list(nonlinsolve([eq1, eq2], (x, y)))
    xval = soln[0][0]
    yval = soln[0][0]
    return xval, yval 

Here are the results for your test cases:

find_variables('a^2 + b^2 = 25', 'a - b = 1', 'a', 'b') >> (-3, -3)  
find_variables('3*s+1=2', '2*s-t=3', 's', 't') >> (1/3, 1/3)  
find_variables('2*x+4=2', 'x-y=3', 'x', 'y') >> (-1, -1)
Answered By: darth baba
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