How to Copy/Clone a Virtual Environment from Server to Local Machine


I have an existing Python django Project running in Web Server. Now the client needs to make some changes in the existing code. So I need to set it up in my Local Machine. All the packages needed for this project is installed in a Virtual environment. How can I copy or clone this virtual environment to my Local machine to run this Project.

Asked By: Jubin Thomas



  1. Run pip freeze > requirements.txt on the remote machine
  2. Copy that requirements.txt file to your local machine
  3. In your local virtual environment, run pip install -r requirements.txt

And, so long as all of the requirements are well behaved Python packages, you should be good to go.

Answered By: David Wolever

Please using Freeze command and you will get text file with all the versions of packages.
Then install them using easy install or pip install

Answered By: Abin Abraham