Convert integer to string in Python


How do I convert an integer to a string?

42   ⟶   "42"

For the reverse, see How do I parse a string to a float or int?. Floats can be handled similarly, but handling the decimal points can be tricky because floating-point values are not precise. See Converting a float to a string without rounding it for more specific advice.

Asked By: Hick



Try this:

Answered By: Lasse V. Karlsen
>>> str(42)

>>> int('42')

Links to the documentation:

str(x) converts any object x to a string by calling x.__str__(), or repr(x) if x doesn’t have a __str__() method.

Answered By: Bastien Léonard
>>> i = 5
>>> print "Hello, world the number is " + i
TypeError: must be str, not int
>>> s = str(i)
>>> print "Hello, world the number is " + s
Hello, world the number is 5
Answered By: maxaposteriori

There is no typecast and no type coercion in Python. You have to convert your variable in an explicit way.

To convert an object into a string you use the str() function. It works with any object that has a method called __str__() defined. In fact


is equivalent to


The same if you want to convert something to int, float, etc.

Answered By: Andrea Ambu

To manage non-integer inputs:

number = raw_input()
    value = int(number)
except ValueError:
    value = 0
Answered By: nik

The most decent way in my opinion is “.

i = 32   -->    `i` == '32'
Answered By: Nikolas

You can use %s or .format:

>>> "%s" % 10


>>> '{}'.format(10)
Answered By: SuperNova

For someone who wants to convert int to string in specific digits, the below method is recommended.

month = "{0:04d}".format(localtime[1])

For more details, you can refer to Stack Overflow question Display number with leading zeros.

Answered By: Eugene

In Python => 3.6 you can use f formatting:

>>> int_value = 10
>>> f'{int_value}'
Answered By: SuperNova

With the introduction of f-strings in Python 3.6, this will also work:

f'{10}' == '10'

It is actually faster than calling str(), at the cost of readability.

In fact, it’s faster than %x string formatting and .format()!

Answered By: Alec

For Python 3.6, you can use the f-strings new feature to convert to string and it’s faster compared to str() function. It is used like this:

age = 45
strAge = f'{age}'

Python provides the str() function for that reason.

digit = 10
print(type(digit)) # Will show <class 'int'>
convertedDigit = str(digit)
print(type(convertedDigit)) # Will show <class 'str'>

For a more detailed answer, you can check this article: Converting Python Int to String and Python String to Int

Answered By: Mohamed Makkaoui

Here is a simpler solution:

one = "1"

Output console

>>> 1

In the above program, int() is used to convert the string representation of an integer.

Note: A variable in the format of string can be converted into an integer only if the variable is completely composed of numbers.

In the same way, str() is used to convert an integer to string.

number = 123567
a = []

I used a list to print the output to highlight that variable (a) is a string.

Output console

>>> ["123567"]

But to understand the difference how a list stores a string and integer, view the below code first and then the output.


a = "This is a string and next is an integer"
listone=[a, 23]

Output console

>>> ["This is a string and next is an integer", 23]
Answered By: Code Carbonate

There are several ways to convert an integer to string in python.
You can use [ str(integer here) ] function, the f-string [ f'{integer here}’], the .format()function [ ‘{}’.format(integer here) and even the ‘%s’% keyword [ ‘%s’% integer here]. All this method can convert an integer to string.

See below example

#Examples of converting an intger to string

#Using the str() function
number = 1
convert_to_string = str(number)
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)

#Using the f-string
number = 1
convert_to_string = f'{number}'
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)

#Using the  {}'.format() function
number = 1
convert_to_string = '{}'.format(number)
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)

#Using the  '% s '% keyword
number = 1
convert_to_string = '% s '% number
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)

Answered By: Edem Robin

You can also call format():

format(42)                 # 42 --> '42'

If you want to add a thousands separator:

num = 123456789
format(num, ",")           # '123,456,789'

or to convert to string representation of floats

format(num, ",.2f")        # '123,456,789.00'

For a "European" separator:

format(num, "_.2f").replace('.', ',').replace('_', '.')   # '123.456.789,00'
f"{num:_.2f}".replace('.', ',').replace('_', '.')
"{:_.2f}".format(num).replace('.', ',').replace('_', '.')
Answered By: cottontail
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