
Building an AMI using Packer with Python & Python modules (using pip) installed via powershell script

Building an AMI using Packer with Python & Python modules (using pip) installed via powershell script Question: Using Packer, I am trying to create a Windows AMI with Python + the cryptography module installed. Here is the installation command I’m using for Python: Invoke-Expression "python-3.6.8-amd64.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 Include_test=0" Standalone that works fine. If I …

Total answers: 1

How can I get the AMI Id through the AMI name with boto3?

How can I get the AMI Id through the AMI name with boto3? Question: I’m trying to automate the creation of an autoscaling group Cloudformation Template using an EC2 instance already deployed and running so, for making an exact copy I need to have the AMI of the current instance. In order to get the …

Total answers: 2