
Anagram function returns False for unknown reason in some words – Python

Anagram function returns False for unknown reason in some words – Python Question: I’ve tried to create a function that returns True if two words are anagrams (have the same letters) to each other. I realized that my counter counts to 13 but not sure what is the issue. def is_anagram (worda: str , wordb: …

Total answers: 3

Check if any words in two lists are anagrams

Check if any words in two lists are anagrams Question: I’m trying to write a function where it takes in two lists of any length, and returns True if list_1 has any words that are anagrams in list_2, and false if not. For example: words1 = [“dog”, “kitten”] words2 = [“tiger”, “god”] return True, as …

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define anagram Python

define anagram Python Question: Could anyone help? Need to define words on being Anagrams. But exactly the same words are not anagram. For example: cat – kitten The words aren’t anagrams; cat – act The words are anagrams; cat – cat should be The same words. What should l do in this code to include …

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Print the maximum occurence of the anagrams and the anagram words itself among the input anagrams

Print the maximum occurence of the anagrams and the anagram words itself among the input anagrams Question: a = [‘ab’, ‘absa’, ‘sbaa’, ‘basa’, ‘ba’] res = [] s = 0 for i in range(len(a)): b=a[i] c = ”.join(sorted(b)) res.append(c) res.sort(reverse=False) wordfreq = [res.count(p) for p in res] d = dict(zip(res, wordfreq)) all_values = d.values() #all_values …

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Anagram from large file

Anagram from large file Question: I have a file having 10,000 word on it. I wrote a program to find anagram word from that file but its taking too much time to get to output. For small file program works well. Try to optimize the code. count=0 i=0 j=0 with open(‘file.txt’) as file: lines = …

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Anagram Python 3

Anagram Python 3 Question: How can I write a function that checks whether 2 inputs are anagrams? word1 = input("Enter a string: ") word2 = input("Enter a second string: ") def isAnagram(s1, s2): s1 = word1.sort() s2 = word2.sort() if s1 == s2: print("This is an anagram") else: print("This is not an anagram) isAnagram() Asked …

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How can I check if two strings are anagrams of each other?

How can I check if two strings are anagrams of each other? Question: I am trying to write a program that accepts two strings from the user: s1 = input("Please enter a word:") s2 = input("Please enter another word:") How can I output True if the two are anagrams and False otherwise? If you found …

Total answers: 27

Using Python, find anagrams for a list of words

Using Python, find anagrams for a list of words Question: Suppose I have a list of strings like ["car", "tree", "boy", "girl", "arc"] etc. I want to find groups of anagrams in that list – in this case, (car, arc). I tried writing code to loop over the list and compare pairs of strings, but …

Total answers: 23

Python- Possible English one-word anagrams given input letters

Python- Possible English one-word anagrams given input letters Question: I know variations of this have been asked before, but I was unable to understand any of the previous implementations because most of them involved using sets and the issubset method. Here is what I am trying to do: I have a set of words in …

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