
How to call POST API using body prams in angular [ raise 422 error (Unprocessable Entity)]

How to call POST API using body prams in angular [ raise 422 error (Unprocessable Entity)] Question: I’m struggling to use Post API using FastAPI , Angular while using Function the issue with receiving the prams in the backend FastAPI no seeing the prams and raise 422 (Unprocessable Entity) Mybackend API CODE (FastAPI-Python): from …

Total answers: 1

How to identify if Angular toggle-switch toggle is clicked?

How to identify if Angular toggle-switch toggle is clicked? Question: I am trying to define if Angular’s toggle-switch is clicked or not using Selenium and Python tools. When open a new form my input id has class ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid. After clicked, it changes to ng-valid ng-dirty ng-touched. But after a third click nothing changes. …

Total answers: 2