
Column missing after append and concat in python pandas

Column missing after append and concat in python pandas Question: Try to download historical stock prices for bunch of stock scrips and concat the file. The issue is final output does not give me the ‘Date’ column which is the first column Here is my code: from nsepy import get_history import pandas as pd from …

Total answers: 1

Appending a value to a list inside a list

Appending a value to a list inside a list Question: A simple question regarding the appending rule of list. So the code is list = [1,2,3,4] for x in [list] #Yes a list in a list: x.append(2) print(x) print(list) The result of the two print is both [1,2,3,4,2]. I can see why print(x) outputs 1,2,3,4,2 …

Total answers: 2

How to increment an integer in a list iteratively within a while loop

How to increment an integer in a list iteratively within a while loop Question: Can anyone help me with understanding this please? I’m using a while loop to increment an integer within a list and then i’m trying to add the list to another list to create a list of lists. The list of lists …

Total answers: 3

Pandas Concat vs append and join columns –> ("state", "state:", "State")

Pandas Concat vs append and join columns –> ("state", "state:", "State") Question: I join 437 tables and I get 3 columns for state as my coworkers feel like giving it a different name each day, ("state", "state:" and "State"), is there a way that joins those 3 columns to just 1 column called "state"?. *also …

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String content become random integer after using append()

String content become random integer after using append() Question: I’m writing a function to filter tweet data that contains search word. Here’s my code: def twitter_filter(df, search): coun = 0 date_ls = [] id_ls = [] content_ls = [] lan_ls = [] name_ls = [] retweet_ls = [] cleaned_tweet_ls = [] for i, row in …

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Python: How to validate and append non-existing row in a dataset/dataframe?

Python: How to validate and append non-existing row in a dataset/dataframe? Question: How can we append a non-existing row/value in a dataset? I have here a sample table with list of names and the objective is to validate first the name if this doesn’t exist and append it to the dataset. Please see code below …

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Conditionally append rows from one dataframe to another based on key-id and date range

Conditionally append rows from one dataframe to another based on key-id and date range Question: I have two large dataframes with the same columns. Example data of relevance is presented below. import pandas as pd df1 = [[52, ‘1’, ‘Mast’, ‘1/1/2022’], [54, ‘1’, ‘Mast’, ‘1/1/2023’], [55, ‘2’, ‘Mast’, ’25/5/2022′], [52, ‘1’, ‘Mast’, ’14/7/2022′]] df = …

Total answers: 2