
How to specify arguments in the form of `input=<INPUT>` in argparse

How to specify arguments in the form of `input=<INPUT>` in argparse Question: I could use argparse to add command line arguments in the form of -i <INPUT> or –input <INPUT>. I want to instead have the command be in the form of input=<INPUT>. Code What I currently have: import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument(‘-i’, ‘–input’, …

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Parse GET parameters

Parse GET parameters Question: I have an REST API where the url looks like this: class RRervice( @get(‘/Indicator/{rparms}’) def RR(self, rparms): print(rparms) … So when this codes executes on this URL: http://ip:3000/Indicator/thresh=.8&symbol=AAPL The print I get what I am supposed to get: thresh=.8&symbol=AAPL My question is, is there an API that ensures that certain parameters …

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Python argparse not working corrrectly with path in Windows

Python argparse not working corrrectly with path in Windows Question: The argparse library in python doesn’t work for the path, containing space, and ” (backslash) at the end. The parser in argparse parses the backslash at the end of path to " (double quotation). The code below is sample that has same problem. import argparse …

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Passing arguments through Docker to argparse not working

Passing arguments through Docker to argparse not working Question: The setup I have a dockercontainer with the following Dockerfile: FROM python:3.10 WORKDIR /usr/src/app ENV ARGS="" COPY requirements.txt ./ COPY ./ COPY … COPY … COPY … RUN apt update RUN apt install ffmpeg -y RUN apt install wkhtmltopdf -y RUN pip install –no-cache-dir -r …

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Get argparse exec to properly load variables from python config file

Get argparse exec to properly load variables from python config file Question: I am trying to get Argparse exec should load the variables user_token and channel_id from the file inputted by the user (–config-file argparse argument). For whatever reason it will only load the main config file (from config import *) even when running …

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Python argparse with optional positional and default None

Python argparse with optional positional and default None Question: Working with Python and argparse, trying to accomplish the following: $> my_app Namespace(positional=None) $> my_app file.txt somedir Namespace(positional=[‘file.txt’, ‘somedir’]) i.e., a positional argument of type list, whose default is None. I would expect the following code to accomplish this: p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("positional", nargs=’*’, default=None) print(p.parse_args()) …

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Python argparse – make arguments required or optional based on another argument

Python argparse – make arguments required or optional based on another argument Question: How can a program accept/validate a set of parameters, depending on a previous parameter/option? e.g: params: <action1> -p <path> -name <name> -t <type> <action2> -v <value> -name <name> <action3> -p <path> -t <type> <action4> -m <mode1 | mode2> –verbose –test –.. So …

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passing an argument as list using argparse but facing issues

passing an argument as list using argparse but facing issues Question: I am trying to pass a list of values as arguments using this code: parser.add_argument(‘–items’, nargs=’+’, help=’items to buy’) and using this to pass the items: –items=bread milk from debugging I see that it is making a list of one index and that has …

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argparse positional argument with nargs set to '?'

argparse positional argument with nargs set to '?' Question: I want to make a list command that lists all items with: python list I also want it to accept a filter query e.g. to list all items with the string "cat" in it would be: python list cat I have done the following …

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