
Using *arg in to assign value to pandas column

Using *arg in to assign value to pandas column Question: I’d like to define a DataFrame using *arg. I want to use the special syntax *args pass a variable number of arguments to a data frame column as follow: import pandas as pd def test(*args): data = pd.DataFrame() for arg in args: data[str(arg)] = arg …

Total answers: 2

When should I use *args in Python?

When should I use *args? Question: When writing Python 3.x functions, I’ve often stumbled upon the problem of writing code that accepts both a single value and a number of values. Take this trivial function: def capitalize(word): return word.capitalize() This function works well with a single string as input, but will fail if provided with …

Total answers: 5

How take *args input from user in a function

How take *args input from user in a function Question: How take *args input from user in a function in Python. I want to take input from user and get the addition user given input. def add(*args): s = 0 for i in args: s+=i print(s) Output will be: 180 Asked By: Ravi Siswaliya || …

Total answers: 2

Pass *args to string.format in Python?

Pass *args to string.format in Python? Question: Is it possible to pass *args to string.format? I have the following function: @classmethod def info(cls, component, msg, *args): “””Log an info message””” cls.__log(cls.Level.INFO, component, msg, args) @classmethod def __log(cls, level, component, msg, *args): “””Log a message at the requested level””” logging.getLogger(“local”).log(level, ” – “.join([component, msg.format(args)])) When I …

Total answers: 2

Use of *args and **kwargs

Use of *args and **kwargs Question: So I have difficulty with the concept of *args and **kwargs. So far I have learned that: *args = list of arguments – as positional arguments **kwargs = dictionary – whose keys become separate keyword arguments and the values become values of these arguments. I don’t understand what programming …

Total answers: 11