
Digest Access Authenctication in python

Digest Access Authenctication in python Question: I am trying to follow the explanation from the Wikipedia I get the desired HA1 and HA2 but i can’t figure out why my response doesn’t give the same response from the tutorial. password = "Circle Of Life" username="Mufasa" realm="[email protected]" nonce="dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093" uri="/dir/index.html" qop="auth" nc="00000001" cnonce="0a4f113b" response="6629fae49393a05397450978507c4ef1" opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41" import hashlib …

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Can not validate the AuthForm

Can not validate the AuthForm Question: I’m developing the Login view of my app, in order to do that I used the Django’s built-in authentication form, but when I try to validate the form it returns False and I don’t know why. I let here my code… class User(AbstractUser): ”’ Model that represents a …

Total answers: 2

Django Authentication to use both email and username in exiting app

Django Authentication to use both email and username in exiting app Question: I am struggling with adding custom AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS for my exiting app. I have all done with my app but now want to login with username or EmailID. I am successfully able to login with username and password. now just want to add EmailID …

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Pass data from the pipeline to views in Django Python Social Auth

Pass data from the pipeline to views in Django Python Social Auth Question: I was reading the documentation of Python Social Auth and got curious about the section of Interrupting the Pipeline (and communicating with views). In there, we see the following pipeline code In our pipeline code, we would have: from django.shortcuts import redirect …

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Fixing Input UnboundLocalError

Fixing Input UnboundLocalError Question: In my code I’m trying to code a password login loop that will keep requiring a password input until a correct password (defined in an .env file) is given. However, when I run the code below I get an "UnboundLocalError cannot access local variable ‘input’ where it is not associated with …

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How can I permanently store user inputs automatically into the dictionary

How can I permanently store user inputs automatically into the dictionary Question: users = { "Hi":"HM123", "alan": "12122", "12": "11" } def adder(): new_user = input("Please enter user’s name: ").strip() new_pwd = "" confirmer = "0" while new_pwd != confirmer: new_pwd = input("please enter a new Password: ").strip() confirmer = input("please confirm your password: ").strip() …

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FastAPI – Unable to get auth token from middleware's Request object

FastAPI – Unable to get auth token from middleware's Request object Question: Following Starlette documentation (FastAPI uses Starlette for middlewares), response.headers["Authorization"] should allow me to get the bearer token, but I get a KeyError saying no such attribute exists. When I print response.headers, I get MutableHeaders({‘content-length’: ’14’, ‘content-type’: ‘application/json’}). Why is the authorization attribute not …

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i Have a problem where my while loop doesn't consider the second condition

While loop doesn't consider the second condition Question: def login(): usern = "" pwd = "" logged = False while str(usern) not in keys and str(pwd) not in value: while str(usern) not in keys: usern = input("please enter Username: ") if usern not in keys: print("Incorrect username!") pwd = input("Please enter your password!: ") if …

Total answers: 2