
How to run an async Python Event-Hub trigger Azure Function using EventHubConsumerClient class?

How to run an async Python Event-Hub trigger Azure Function using EventHubConsumerClient class? Question: I’m trying to develop an event-hub trigger azure function that could receive events from a first event-hub and send these events to a second event-hub. As additional features I’d like my function to be asynchronous and use store checkpoints in an …

Total answers: 1

Avoid base64 encoding on my data sent to Event Hub via Python SDK

Avoid base64 encoding on my data sent to Event Hub via Python SDK Question: I am sending a json object(in python) to Azure Event Hub which is routed to Blob Storage via Event Capture feature of Event Hub. This file gets stored in Apache AVRO. When I upload the file on online AVRO reader I …

Total answers: 1

How to stop an Azure Event Hub Consumer Client in Python

How to stop an Azure Event Hub Consumer Client in Python Question: I am running into some trouble with Azure Event Bub with Python. Below is my strater code for connection (Taken from microsoft docs) import asyncio from azure.eventhub.aio import EventHubConsumerClient from azure.eventhub.extensions.checkpointstoreblobaio import BlobCheckpointStore async def on_event(partition_context, event): # Print the event data. print("Received …

Total answers: 2