
convert strings's byte array to big integer and perform functions in any language

convert strings's byte array to big integer and perform functions in any language Question: I want to convert String’s byte array to BigInteger and vis-versa. I’m able to do this for some language specifically. For example:- in java: new BigInteger("ab".getBytes()) and in dart: _convertBytesToBigInt(Uint8List.fromList(Utf8Encoder().convert(‘ab’))) where _convertBytesToBigInt() method is from dartlang sdk’s github issue discussion (here …

Total answers: 1

How to generate a "big" random number in Python?

How to generate a "big" random number in Python? Question: How can I generate a big (more than 64 bits) random integer in Python? Asked By: Charles Brunet || Source Answers: You can use random.getrandbits(): >>> random.getrandbits(128) 117169677822943856980673695456521126221L As stated in the linked documentation, random.randrange() will also do the trick if random.getrandbits() is available. Answered …

Total answers: 2

Django BigInteger auto-increment field as primary key?

Django BigInteger auto-increment field as primary key? Question: I’m currently building a project which involves a lot of collective intelligence. Every user visiting the web site gets created a unique profile and their data is later used to calculate best matches for themselves and other users. By default, Django creates an INT(11) id field to …

Total answers: 7