
Is there a better way to define multiple boolean variables?

Is there a better way to define multiple boolean variables? Question: I have multiple Boolean variables in my code and now they are defined like this: self.paused, self.show_difficulty, self.resizable, self.high_score_saved, self.show_high_scores, self.show_game_modes = False, False, True, False, False, False And I thought of refactoring the code like this to improve readability. ui_options = { "paused": …

Total answers: 1

Parsing / reformatting a tokenized list in python

Parsing / reformatting a tokenized list in python Question: I have lists of tokens of the form "(a OR b) AND c OR d AND c" or "(a OR b) AND c OR (d AND c)" I want to reformat these tokens into a string of the form: Expressions are of arbitrary form like (a …

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How to use a Postgreql Boolean value as a parameter in a python if statement?

How to use a Postgreql Boolean value as a parameter in a python if statement? Question: I have been trying to create a python function that will use a select statement that will return a single Boolean value from my postgres database and then use it in a python if statement. I have found out …

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Gather items that cause all() to return false

Gather items that cause all() to return false Question: This question is about what one can/cannot do with all() function. I would like to identify all elements which fail the condition set in all() function. In the example below all() will return False since not all elements are of type int. ‘c’ and ‘5’ will …

Total answers: 2

Python: `and` operator does not return a boolean value

Python: `and` operator does not return a boolean value Question: In Python, an empty list is considered a Falsey value Therefore this is how things should work: >>> [] and False False But in reality, python returns an empty list. >>> [] and False [] Is this intended or a bug? Asked By: Rage || …

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list[I] becomes a list instead of an item

list[I] becomes a list instead of an item Question: I am a high school student doing a simple merge sort algorithm, but I encountered below error message. Help is much appreciated! File "", line 22, in mergesort if l_list[i] <= r_list[j]: TypeError: ‘<=’ not supported between instances of ‘int’ and ‘list’ Here’s my code: list …

Total answers: 2

List comprehension with boolean (Python)

List comprehension with boolean (Python) Question: How to present this code as a list comprehension: def all_targets_hit(attempts: list) -> bool: for ls in range(len(attempts)): if not any(attempts[ls]): return False return True attempts =([ [True, False, False], [False, False, True], [False, False, False, False], ]) #Expected: False Asked By: avkpol || Source Answers: You could combine …

Total answers: 1