
'for char in word:' not working in Python

'for char in word:' not working in Python Question: I’m making a simple hangman game and I’ve got a word list on my computer with about 5,000 word, I made a list out of those words then used the random function to choose one at random for the game, but it prints one too many …

Total answers: 1

How can I increment a char?

How can I increment a char? Question: I’m new to Python, coming from Java and C. How can I increment a char? In Java or C, chars and ints are practically interchangeable, and in certain loops, it’s very useful to me to be able to do increment chars, and index arrays by chars. How can …

Total answers: 8

How can I convert a character to a integer in Python, and viceversa?

How can I convert a character to a integer in Python, and viceversa? Question: I want to get, given a character, its ASCII value. For example, for the character a, I want to get 97, and vice versa. Asked By: Manuel Araoz || Source Answers: ord and chr Answered By: rmmh >>> ord(‘a’) 97 >>> …

Total answers: 5