
Click all positions in a given region

Click all positions in a given region Question: I currently have a rectangular on the screen, which has the position of (x,y) from (0,69) to (1918,1038) What I want is to click all the points in this region as fast as I can, and each click has 20 pixel in difference with the old one …

Total answers: 1

how to click on link text selenium python

how to click on link text selenium python Question: i tried to click on link text but no work. Unable to locate element: {"method":"link text","selector":"Bán chạy"} please help me. My code: driver.find_element_by_link_text(‘Bán chạy’).click() Asked By: Luận Đặng Văn || Source Answers: driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), ‘Bán chạy”)]").click() Answered By: msurwillo You can do it by below way …

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python click: argument coming from default or user

python click: argument coming from default or user Question: How to tell whether an argument in click coming from the user or it’s the default value. For example: import click @click.command() @click.option(‘–value’, default=1, help=’a value.’) def hello(value): print(value) if __name__ == "__main__": hello() Now if I run python –value 1, the value is now …

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click button in python selenium

click button in python selenium Question: html codemy code how can click buton in this html code im using selenium. I’m trying to writing a loop in my admin panel. Asked By: phantompain || Source Answers: first off that button does not have an id=’button’ without seeing the website you could try do something like: …

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How can I adjust 2 plot with one button in matplotlib

How can I adjust 2 plot with one button in matplotlib Question: I’m just studying Python for a month and have no experience. I’m trying to hide/show two graphs with one Check button in matplotlib. But with my code, when clicking the button, there is only one graph hidden. Please see my code and show …

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Page navigation click without using current_url python selenium

Page navigation click without using current_url python selenium Question: How to navigate through each page without using driver.current_url? In my full code, I get a bunch of errors once I navigate through the page for a loop. Without it, it runs fine but can only go through one page. I want to navigate through as …

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Loop through all clickable links selenium Python

Loop through all clickable links selenium Python Question: I’m trying to click each job listing by looping through each one. How can I get to a previous state after I click the link and then click the next link? I tried driver.back(), here I tried driver.get(url) but nothing works. Any help would be appreciated. from …

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pytest throws exception while using ClickArguments SystemExit: 0

pytest throws exception while using ClickArguments SystemExit: 0 Question: I am trying to run a test case for a python script. Test case is successful when I don’t use Click decorator and argument in python script method. But when I am using it, it gives SystemExit: 0. import sys import click @click.command() @click.argument(‘bar_info’, nargs=-1) …

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'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' building a package with click

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' building a package with click Question: Hello I am trying to building a python package I have the following folder structure . ├── Dockerfile ├── ├── Pipfile ├── Pipfile.lock ├── └── vms-backup ├── commands │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── └── …

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