
pandas assign with new column name as string

pandas assign with new column name as string Question: I recently discovered pandas "assign" method which I find very elegant. My issue is that the name of the new column is assigned as keyword, so it cannot have spaces or dashes in it. df = DataFrame({‘A’: range(1, 11), ‘B’: np.random.randn(10)}) df.assign(ln_A=lambda x: np.log(x.A)) A B …

Total answers: 2

Pandas index column title or name

How to get/set a pandas index column title or name? Question: How do I get the index column name in Python’s pandas? Here’s an example dataframe: Column 1 Index Title Apples 1 Oranges 2 Puppies 3 Ducks 4 What I’m trying to do is get/set the dataframe’s index title. Here is what I tried: import …

Total answers: 10