
Deriving Heron's formula with Sympy using Groebner basis

Deriving Heron's formula with Sympy using Groebner basis Question: I’m trying to implement with Sympy the procedure described in this lecture, where Groebner basis is used to derive Heron’s formula, but I’m not able to implement the last step, the computation of the correct Groebner basis, surely because of my lack of understanding of the …

Total answers: 1

Finding basis of affine space in python?

Finding basis of affine space in python? Question: Suppose I am given an affine space as some conjunction of equalities say: x + y + z = 2 && x – 3z = 4 which I represent in python as: [ [1,1,1,2] , [1,0,-3,4] ] I would like to find the basis of this affine …

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Python: fit 3D ellipsoid (oblate/prolate) to 3D points

Python: fit 3D ellipsoid (oblate/prolate) to 3D points Question: Dear fellow stackoverflow users, I face a problem as follows: I would like to fit a 3D ellipsoid to 3D data points within my python script. The starting data are a set of x, y and z coordinates (cartesian coordinates). What I would like to get …

Total answers: 1

Determine non-convex hull of collection of line segments

Determine non-convex hull of collection of line segments Question: I have a computational geometry problem that I feel should have a relatively simple solution, but I can’t quite figure it out. I need to determine the non-convex outline of a region defined by several line segments. I’m aware of various non-convex hull algorithms (e.g. alpha …

Total answers: 2