
Console not outputting information in PyCharm

Console not outputting information in PyCharm Question: I have a problem through pyautogui I need to know the position of my cursor but when I enter the code and press run in the console nothing happens enter image description here I’m just starting to understand python Asked By: Сергей || Source Answers: You aren’t running …

Total answers: 1

How to create a new console in Python to print message

How to create a new console in Python to print message Question: I make a python script running in the console, and I want to create another console for printing important messages without running another python script to do that. I first tried to use win32console.AllocConsole() directly, but it got Access is denied (Seemingly because …

Total answers: 2

Using Selenium and Python, but Print function not working

Using Selenium and Python, but Print function not working Question: I am using selenium to write a test script to purchase a number of items automatically. However for some reason when I am asking python to print a certain elements text, nothing is appearing in the console for me to assert that my script has …

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IDA – execute commands in WinDbg console from python script

IDA – execute commands in WinDbg console from python script Question: I have a python script to run in IDA that generates commands for WinDbg. I also open the memory dump (via the windmp64.dll loader), where the WinDbg console is already available: I want to execute commands in WinDbg console from python script. If I’m …

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Vertical data tree in console with coordinates with Python

Vertical data tree in console with coordinates with Python Question: I have been trying a lot, but I am completely lost in all my different attempts at coding this. What I need seems rather simple: I have data structured like this in a list of dicts: units = [ { "name": "A", "parent": None }, …

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Nothing is coming up on my console on replit

Nothing is coming up on my console on replit Question: enter image description here this shows a visual image of the code Asked By: kim || Source Answers: This is not a syntax error. Simply, your problem is that you never actually called the start() function after defining it. After you def start(): , try …

Total answers: 2

Getting user input while a timer is counting and updating the console

Getting user input while a timer is counting and updating the console Question: I have a count-up/count-down timer library, and I’ve written some demo code that kicks off an instance of its main class, and updates the console as it counts down. When the timer expires, it displays a message to that effect. The demo …

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Is it possible to call a python function in a terminal?

Is it possible to call a python function in a terminal? Question: I want to be able to run a python program and type a function in the terminal and have the function execute. For example: I define a function in the python script def hi(): print(‘hello’) and while program is running, I type "hi()" …

Total answers: 4