
The 'typing' package is an obsolete backport of a standard library package and is incompatible with PyInstaller

The 'typing' package is an obsolete backport of a standard library package and is incompatible with PyInstaller Question: When I try to convert my python file to exe using pyinstaller. Input: PS C:UsersUserDesktopНовая папка (5)> pyinstaller -F I got this error. Output: The ‘typing’ package is an obsolete backport of a standard library package …

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Python console interference between logging streamHandler() and input()

Python console interference between logging streamHandler() and input() Question: I have encountered a minor nuisance in my console output when using a StreamHandler() output from the logging module together with an input() line. I configure my logger with the following function: def configure_logger(filename=’log’): """Configures a logger which outputs at level INFO and above to both …

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How to do a relative import when using Pycharm "Run in python console"?

How to do a relative import when using Pycharm "Run in python console"? Question: I am using Pycharm and its Run in python console feature. It works well except when the source file is intended to be run as a module (-m option). For example if a python source file includes: from . import utils …

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How to remove progressbar in tqdm once the iteration is complete

How to remove progressbar in tqdm once the iteration is complete Question: How can I archive this? from tqdm import tqdm for link in tqdm(links): try: #Do Some Stff except: pass print(“Done:”) Result: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 111.50it/s] Done: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 111.50it/s] Done: Expected Result (Showing the status bar but don’t print it after into …

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pycharm does not connect to console with python3.8

pycharm does not connect to console with python3.8 Question: I dont know why; but since python 3.8 has been released; I cant run pycharm console and it is always in the "being connected" status. I have had no problem with python 3.7; since the console is opened immediately. Here you can see that I have …

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Enabling console features with code.interact

Enabling console features with code.interact Question: If I start a new Python interactive session from the command line, some console features such as using the arrow keys to access a previous command, etc. are present. If instead, however, I use code.interact() to start an interactive session from inside a larger script, the escape sequences aren’t …

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tqdm progressbar and zip built-in do not work together

tqdm progressbar and zip built-in do not work together Question: tqdm is a Python module to easily print in the console a dynamically updating progressbar. For example from tqdm import tqdm from time import sleep for _ in tqdm(range(10)): sleep(0.1) prints a dynamic progressbar in the console for 1sec as the iteration executes: I have …

Total answers: 4

Python: Write unittest for console print

Python: Write unittest for console print Question: Function foo prints to console. I want to test the console print. How can I achieve this in python? Need to test this function, has NO return statement : def foo(inStr): print “hi”+inStr My test : def test_foo(): cmdProcess = subprocess.Popen(foo(“test”), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cmdOut = cmdProcess.communicate()[0] self.assertEquals(“hitest”, cmdOut) Asked …

Total answers: 7

How to clear console in sublime text editor

How to clear console in sublime text editor Question: How to clear console in sublime text editor. I have searched on internet too..But can’t find proper shortcut for that. Please provide info Asked By: Curious_k.shree || Source Answers: I assume you’re talking about the console accessible via View -> Show Console or Ctrl`. Unlike other …

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