
Create a small control panel on screen for pyautogui monitoring and control purposes

Create a small control panel on screen for pyautogui monitoring and control purposes Question: How do I display a small control panel screen that can control and monitoring pyautogui process? I expect there is a pinned window that for monitoring purpose such as displaying current log.txt that has been generated by logging and controlling purpose …

Total answers: 1

How to use numpy in matrices iterations like Matlab

How to use numpy in matrices iterations like Matlab Question: I am used to make my discrete time control systems simulations in Matlab and now I’m trying python and numpy. So, my code bellow is working, but I would like to iterate over the numpy vector instead appending values into a list. Is it possible? …

Total answers: 2

How do I capture SIGINT in Python?

How do I capture SIGINT in Python? Question: I’m working on a python script that starts several processes and database connections. Every now and then I want to kill the script with a Ctrl+C signal, and I’d like to do some cleanup. In Perl I’d do this: $SIG{‘INT’} = ‘exit_gracefully’; sub exit_gracefully { print “Caught …

Total answers: 13