
How to handle "coroutine never awaited" as an exception?

How to handle "coroutine never awaited" as an exception? Question: There are many answers about how to ignore or fix this, but what I need is a solution that would handle these, because we have a huge project and something like this is bound to happen, but it’s silent and therefore goes unnoticed for some …

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Python: await the generator end

Python: await the generator end Question: Current versions of Python (Dec 2022) still allow using @coroutine decorator and a generation can be as: import asyncio asyncify = asyncio.coroutine data_ready = False # Status of a pipe, just to test def gen(): global data_ready while not data_ready: print("not ready") data_ready = True # Just to test …

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Python recursive generator breaks when using list() and append() keywords

Python recursive generator breaks when using list() and append() keywords Question: I have only recently learned about coroutines using generators and tried to implement the concept in the following recursive function: def _recursive_nWay_generator(input: list, output={}): ”’ Helper function; used to generate parameter-value pairs to submit to the model for the simulation. Parameters ———- input : …

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The right way to type hint a Coroutine function?

The right way to type hint a Coroutine function? Question: I cannot wrap my head around type hinting a Coroutine. As far as I understand, when we declare a function like so: async def some_function(arg1: int, arg2: str) -> list: … we effectively declare a function, which returns a coroutine, which, when awaited, returns a …

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Python `time.sleep()` coroutine

Python `time.sleep()` coroutine Question: import discord import os import random import time import math client = discord.Client() with open(‘admins.conf’, ‘r’) as f: for line in f.readlines(): exec(line) with open(‘bans.conf’, ‘r’) as f: for line in f.readlines(): exec(line) with open(‘coins.conf’, ‘r’) as f: for line in f.readlines(): exec(line) random.seed(os.urandom(32)) searchusers = [] @client.event async def …

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What will happen if you don't await a async function?

What will happen if you don't await a async function? Question: If I don’t use await to call the async function, I will get back a coroutine. In that case, what will happen for the coroutine? Do I have to manually execute the coroutine? Or this coroutine will continue to run itself in the background? …

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sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine was never awaited

sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine was never awaited Question: I’m trying to write a request handler to help me send request in async mode. It prompt when I close the python terminal with Ctrl+D or exit() It shows sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine was never awaited import asyncio import urllib.request import json class RequestHandler: def SendPostRequest(method="post",url=None, JsonFormatData={}): # Encode …

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Duplication of code for synchronous and asynchronous implementations

Duplication of code for synchronous and asynchronous implementations Question: When implementing classes that have uses in both synchronous and asynchronous applications, I find myself maintaining virtually identical code for both use cases. Just as an example, consider: from time import sleep import asyncio class UselessExample: def __init__(self, delay): self.delay = delay async def a_ticker(self, to): …

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Non-blocking launching of concurrent coroutines in Python

Non-blocking launching of concurrent coroutines in Python Question: I want to execute tasks asynchronously and concurrently. If task1 is running when task2 arrives, task2 is started right away, without waiting for task2 to complete. Also, I would like to avoid callbacks with the help of coroutines. Here’s a concurrent solution with callbacks: def fibonacci(n): if …

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What does the "yield from" syntax do in asyncio and how is it different from "await"

What does the "yield from" syntax do in asyncio and how is it different from "await" Question: From the perspective of someone who has written asyncio code but is looking to better understand the inner workings, what is yield from, await and how are those useful for allowing asynchronous code? There is one highly upvoted …

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