Test code and branch coverage simultanously with Pytest

Test code and branch coverage simultanously with Pytest Question: I am using pytest to test my Python code. To test for code coverage (C0 coverage) I run pytest –cov and I can specify my desired coverage in my pyproject.toml file like this: [] fail_under = 95 I get this result with a coverage a 96.30%: …

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pytest coverage not working after python update to 3.11

pytest coverage not working after python update to 3.11 Question: Issue: pytest stopped generating coverage Description: I upgraded python version from 3.6 to 3.11 (Ubuntu 18.04). I followed this in order to do that. Had issues with pip, followed this advice: I have a project with following structure: |-sorting |- env (the …

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Coverage "No source for code" with pytest

Coverage "No source for code" with pytest Question: I am trying to measure code coverage by my pytest tests. I tried following the quick start guide of coverage ( When I run my test with the following command, everything seems fine coverage run -m pytest tests/ ===================================== test session starts ====================================== platform linux — Python …

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Exclude a function from coverage

Exclude a function from coverage Question: I am using to get the test coverage of the code. Suppose I have two functions with the same name in two different modules # foo/ def get_something(): # fetch something # 10 line of branch code return "something foo/" # bar/ def get_something(): # fetch something # …

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With, how to skip coverage of import and def statements

With, how to skip coverage of import and def statements Question: I have a python program that imports other files which potentially import other files, as is normal with python development The problem is, when I measure coverage with, some files which are imported but not used, get coverage “hits” on the def …

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Why does ignore files with no coverage?

Why does ignore files with no coverage? Question: I first run nosetests –with-coverage So I should have a .coverage file with all the default settings. Within folder_1, I have,, and When I cd into folder_1 and run coverage report It outputs: It doesn’t generate anything for! But then when I …

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How to properly use in Python?

How to properly use in Python? Question: I’ve just started using module and so decided to make a simple test to check how it works. def sum(num1, num2): return num1 + num2 def sum_only_positive(num1, num2): if num1 > 0 and num2 > 0: return num1 + num2 else: return None from …

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How do I make coverage include not tested files?

How do I make coverage include not tested files? Question: I have just started writing some unit tests for a python project I have using unittest and coverage. I’m only currently testing a small proportion, but I am trying to work out the code coverage I run my tests and get the coverage using the …

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Python Code Coverage and Multiprocessing

Python Code Coverage and Multiprocessing Question: I use coveralls in combination with to track python code coverage of my testing scripts. I use the following commands: coverage run –parallel-mode –source=mysource –omit=*/stuff/idont/ ./mysource/tests/ coverage combine coveralls –verbose This works quite nicely with the exception of multiprocessing. Code executed by worker pools or child processes is …

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