
Cannot join chars into string in csv writer

Cannot join chars into string in csv writer Question: I want to save my result into csv file. This is my code: import itertools import csv letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" combinations = list(itertools.permutations(letters, 4)) print(len(combinations)) with open(‘result.csv’, ‘w’, newline=”) as myfile: wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) for item in combinations: wr.writerow("".join(item)) myfile.close() the .csv result is: "A","B","C","D" …

Total answers: 2

Beautifulsoup/Writer returns an empty cell when exported to a CSV

Beautifulsoup/Writer returns an empty cell when exported to a CSV Question: I’m scraping a website to get the name, birth + death dates, and the name of the cemetery someone is buried in. For the most part, it is working quite well; however, when I exported the text to a CSV, I noticed that there’s …

Total answers: 1

How to Read and Write to the Same csv File?

How to Read and Write to the Same csv File? Question: I am trying to read and write to the same csv file, to specifically delete a row in a csv file if a certain header contains a value. My csv file looks like this: Item # Price Quantity Name 1 2.99 1 Muffin 1 …

Total answers: 2

Deleting a row from a CSV based on line number and shifting all lines afterwards

Deleting a row from a CSV based on line number and shifting all lines afterwards Question: Let’s say I have this CSV: my friend hello, test ok, no whatever, test test test, ok I want to delete line number 3, so I would call my function: remove_from_csv(3) I couldn’t find any built-in remove function and …

Total answers: 3

Write in the next column of CSV file in python

Write in the next column of CSV file in python Question: I have a simple code that should write values in two columns, I would like to have the results shown as: 0.48 2.71 But I can only write in rows, how do I write the rows in the second column (I want to have …

Total answers: 2