
How to maintain decimals when dividing with numpy arrays in Python

How to maintain decimals when dividing with numpy arrays in Python Question: So, I was working on implementing my own version of the Statsitical Test of Homogeneity in Python where the user would submit a list of lists and the fuction would compute the corresponding chi value. One issue I found was that my function …

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Divide quantities in order to get one quantity per row – python

Divide quantities in order to get one quantity per row – python Question: I have a dataframe with quantities and prices. I would like to get an dataframe with same prices vs quantity but only one quantity per line. Dataframe: Name | qty | Price Apple | 3 | 3.50 Avocado | 2 | 1.50 …

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Not getting the correct result for my output in average function

Not getting the correct result for my output in average function Question: I’ve been working on do loops for python although there isn’t one for the language. I am trying to get the average of certain integers entered until a negative integer is entered. I was able to get the program working, instead it gives …

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How to divide one row by another with same value in a specific column?

How to divide one row by another with same value in a specific column? Question: I have a dataframe following this pattern: Measure Key mai/21 jun/21 jul/21 … mar/22 apr/22 Units 4040 100 102 104 … 200 204 Total Value 4040 10500 10700 11000 … 22000 22200 Units 3230 120 130 140 … 230 240 …

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Using a while loop to check divisibility of a range of numbers

Using a while loop to check divisibility of a range of numbers Question: I am trying checking the divisibility of 5 and 7 for the numbers in the range from 1 to 41 using a while loop. I know that there are other options, such as a for loop, but I would like to understand …

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How To Find Division Without Using Division Operator In Python?

How To Find Division Without Using Division Operator In Python? Question: I’ve Found How to do it for normal numbers which gives quotient above 1 How to find value for which we will get quotient below 1 For example if 28 divided by 500 it gives 0.056 How to implement above example without using division …

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Is a list (potentially) divisible by another?

Is a list (potentially) divisible by another? Question: Problem Say you have two lists A = [a_1, a_2, …, a_n] and B = [b_1, b_2, …, b_n] of integers. We say A is potentially-divisible by B if there is a permutation of B that makes a_i divisible by b_i for all i. The problem is …

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Floor division with negative number

Floor division with negative number Question: The expression 6 // 4 yields 1, where floor division produces the whole number after dividing a number. But with a negative number, why does -6 // 4 return -2? Asked By: Naz Islam || Source Answers: The // operator explicitly floors the result. Quoting the Binary arithmetic operations …

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Is divmod() faster than using the % and // operators?

Is divmod() faster than using the % and // operators? Question: I remember from assembly that integer division instructions yield both the quotient and remainder. So, in python will the built-in divmod() function be better performance-wise than using the % and // operators (suppose of course one needs both the quotient and the remainder)? q, …

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Make division by zero equal to zero

Make division by zero equal to zero Question: How can I ignore ZeroDivisionError and make n / 0 == 0? Asked By: octosquidopus || Source Answers: You can use a try/except block for this. def foo(x,y): try: return x/y except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 >>> foo(5,0) 0 >>> foo(6,2) 3.0 Answered By: Cory Kramer Check if …

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