
BUG: When passing django.messages variable through HTML tag

BUG: When passing django.messages variable through HTML tag Question:, ‘Attendance Ready To Be Taken!’) Over here i use django messages to send a string to the user {% for message in messages %} {% if message == ‘Attendance Ready To Be Taken!’ %} <div class="alert success">   <span class="closebtn">&times;</span>       <strong>SUCCESS!</strong> {{message}}  </div> {% else %} <div class="alert">   <span class="closebtn">&times;</span>       <strong>WARNING!</strong> {{message}} </div> {% …

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Django login messages not being delivered as expected

Django login messages not being delivered as expected Question: I’m building a Django project and I have a Django app for the login, which I called members. The project is behind the login, so all the URLs redirect to the login page if the user is not logged. If the user inputs an existing user …

Total answers: 2

Remove messages before the response is rendered

Remove messages before the response is rendered Question: I’ve got a page which contains 2 forms & allows updating of the model attached to each. I’ve also got the messages framework integrated which for the most part is perfect. But after posting to this page you get two messages of success and I’d like to …

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How to make a new line in django messages.error

How to make a new line in django messages.error Question: I have a line of my code messages.error(request, (‘ERROR: upload failed. Try again’)) popping up a message in my template upload failed. Try again But I want to get a new line after the point, like: upload failed. Try again How do I get that? …

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Delete all django.contrib.messages

Delete all django.contrib.messages Question: I recently realized that a module in our Django web app was using django.contrib.messages. However, the template’s context processor did not have the django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages processor added. I’m worried that when I push this to production, users will see all their old messages for all pages that had generated them. Is there …

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How to send Json or "dict" using Django Messages Framework

How to send Json or "dict" using Django Messages Framework Question: I’m using Django Messaging framework to send additional data on the validation error: def clean_X(self): xuser_id = self.cleaned_data[‘xuser_id’] if xuser.objects.filter(xuser_id=xuser_id).exists(): available_now = {“available” : [“example”,”hello”,”ahc”,”sdcsd”]} messages.error(self.request, message = available_now,extra_tags=”available_ids”) raise forms.ValidationError(‘Sorry! User ID “%(xuser_id)s” is already taken, Please try another or chose one from …

Total answers: 2