
Django showing error 'constraints' refers to the joined field

Django showing error 'constraints' refers to the joined field Question: I have two models Product and Cart. Product model has maximum_order_quantity. While updating quantity in cart, I’ll have to check whether quantity is greater than maximum_order_quantityat database level. For that am comparing quantity with maximum_order_quantity in Cart Model But it throws an error when I …

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python django serializer wrong date time format for DateTimeField

python django serializer wrong date time format for DateTimeField Question: I’m using Django 3.0.2. I have a serializer defined: class ValueNestedSerializer(request_serializer.Serializer): lower = request_serializer.DateTimeField(required=True, allow_null=False, format=None, input_formats=[‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ’,]) upper = request_serializer.DateTimeField(required=True, allow_null=False, format=None, input_formats=[‘%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ’,]) class DateRangeSerializer(request_serializer.Serializer): attribute = request_serializer.CharField(default="UPLOAD_TIME") operator = request_serializer.CharField(default="between_dates") value = ValueNestedSerializer(required=True) timezone = request_serializer.CharField(default="UTC") timezoneOffset = request_serializer.IntegerField(default=0) class BaseQueryPayload(request_serializer.Serializer): appid = request_serializer.CharField(required=True, …

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Custom Validate function is not being called inside perform_create function in DRF

Custom Validate function is not being called inside perform_create function in DRF Question: This is my code. class MyViewSet(ModelViewSet): serializer_class = MySerializer queryset = MyClass.objects.all() def get_serializer_class(self): if request.user.is_superuser: return self.serializer_class else: return OtherSerializer def perform_create(self, serializer): if request.user.is_superuser: if serializer.is_valid(): else: employee = Employee.objects.get(user=self.request.user), organization=self.request.user.organization) This is my Serializer: class MySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class …

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RegexValidator in Django Models not validating email correctly

RegexValidator in Django Models not validating email correctly Question: I’m making a django form with an email field and using a RegexValidator and want a specific format of of the email but it seems to be not validating the field correctly email = models.EmailField( unique=True, validators=[ RegexValidator( regex=r"^[2][2][a-zA-Z]{3}d{3}@[]*", message= "Only freshers with college email addresses …

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How to write unit test ValidationError case in response by use

How to write unit test ValidationError case in response by use Question: I have a model with a time validator raise ValidationError(‘End time cannot be earlier than start time’) So I want to write a unit test using with data invalid (from_time > to_time), and I expected ValidationError to appear in this test. …

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Model a 6-digit numeric postal code in django

Model a 6-digit numeric postal code in django Question: I would like to define a 6-digit numeric postal code in Django At first, I tried this; postal_code = models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=False) However, postal codes can have leading zeros such as 000157. PositiveIntegerField is not suitable for it. If I use CharField, the field can accept alphabets …

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Django DecimalField min value validation error

Django DecimalField min value validation error Question: I need a decimal field in my form with a minimal value of 0.20, maximal value of 20 with 2 decimal places as you can see in the code bellow. forms.DecimalField(min_value=0.20, max_value=20.00, max_digits=4, decimal_places=2, initial=1) The problem occures when you put 0.20 in, because you get a validation …

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Which is the best way to validate errors in Django?

Which is the best way to validate errors in Django? Question: I found that there is a lot of ways to validate errors in Django, I’m just wondering which one is preferable and why? e.g. using clean in form, like: deadline = self.cleaned_data.get(‘deadline’) if datetime.strptime(str(deadline)[:19], ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’) < raise forms.ValidationError(_(‘Deadline cannot be in past!’)) …

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Custom validation in Django admin

Custom validation in Django admin Question: I have a very simple Django app in order to record the lectures given my colleagues.Since it is quite elementary,I am using the Django admin itself. Here is my from django.db import models class Lecture(models.Model): topic = models.CharField(max_length=100) speaker = models.CharField(max_length=100) start_date = models.DateField() end_date = models.DateField() …

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What's the best way to store a phone number in Django models?

What's the best way to store a phone number in Django models? Question: I am storing a phone number in model like this: phone_number = models.CharField(max_length=12) The user would enter a phone number and I would use the phone number for SMS authentication. This application would be used globally. So I would also need a …

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