
Using Python to automate creation of JIRA tickets

Using Python to automate creation of JIRA tickets Question: I have been trying to write a python script to automatically raise Jira tickets, and have been running into some trouble. To be more specific, I tried to use both the issue_create and create_issue methods as outlined in the atlassian-python API reference. In the code provided …

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How to handle "coroutine never awaited" as an exception?

How to handle "coroutine never awaited" as an exception? Question: There are many answers about how to ignore or fix this, but what I need is a solution that would handle these, because we have a huge project and something like this is bound to happen, but it’s silent and therefore goes unnoticed for some …

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Why expection doesn't supress ssl.SSLError

Why exception doesn't supress ssl.SSLError Question: I want to supress all expection by calling: try: doSomething() doSomething2() # exception is raised except Exception: print("expection thrown, test should pass!") In doSomething2() there are some exceptions raised like E ssl.SSLError: [SSL: NO_CIPHERS_AVAILABLE] no ciphers available (_ssl.c:1076) Why except Exception doesn’t supress all exceptions ? Asked By: kkkl …

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throw exception to another exception in one def using python

throw exception to another exception in one def using python Question: I’ve function to calculate data and after successful calculation the mail has been send to user. but now I want to do error mapping for user interface to show error to users, so that they understand where exactly the error is getting, In their …

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Make a custom exception

Make a custom exception Question: i have a bot and sometimes i get this error: raise ConnectionError(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’′, port=23264): Max retries exceeded with url: /lol-summoner/v1/current-summoner (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x00000170037E5B10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10061] Aucune connexion n’a pu être établie car l’ordinateur cible l’a expressément refusée’)) This happens …

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'ReadOnlyWorksheet' object has no attribute 'defined_names'

'ReadOnlyWorksheet' object has no attribute 'defined_names' Question: Whenever I try to read Excel using part=pd.read_excel(path,sheet_name = mto_sheet) I get this exception: <class ‘Exception’> ‘ReadOnlyWorksheet’ object has no attribute ‘defined_names’ This is if I use Visual Studio Code and Python 3.11. However, I don’t have this problem when using Anaconda. Any reason for that? Asked By: …

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How to print line number of error that is inside a function using except in Python?

How to print line number of error that is inside a function using except in Python? Question: I want to print an error’s line number and error message in a nicely displayed way. The follow is my code, which uses linecache: import linecache def func(): if xx == 1: print(‘ok’) try: func() except: exc_type, exc_obj, …

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Python + ElasticSearch: Mapper Parsing Exceptions for join field

Python + ElasticSearch: Mapper Parsing Exceptions for join field Question: I’m using ElasticSearch 8.3.2 to store some data I have. The data consists of metabolites and several "studies" for each metabolite, with each study in turn containing concentration values. I am also using the Python ElasticSearch client to communicate with the backend, which works fine. …

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Using Exception Handling in Python

Using Exception Handling in Python Question: Using exception handling inside a loop in python, I’m receiving inputs from a user and adds it to a list but if the user types ‘done’ the loop terminates and sums up the list. If the user types any other non numeric data it would print ‘Wrong Data’ and …

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