
Python Converting Nested array of objects in JSON to flattened excel

Python Converting Nested array of objects in JSON to flattened excel Question: Python Converting Nested array of objects in JSON to flattened excel Current Code def read_json(filename): jsonData = {} try: with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: jsonData = json.loads(f.read()) except: raise Exception(f"Reading {filename} file encountered an error") return jsonData json_data = read_json(filename=".json") df = …

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Explode is not working on pandas dataframe

Explode is not working on pandas dataframe Question: I have a dataframe with following columns col1 col2 col3 col4 0 HP:0005709 [‘HP:0001770’] Toe syndactyly SNOMEDCT_US:32113001, C0265660 1 HP:0005709 [‘HP:0001780’] Abnormality of toe C2674738 2 EFO:0009136 [‘HP:0001507’] Growth abnormality C0262361 I would like to explode "col4", i tried different ways to do it but nothing is …

Total answers: 3

how to explode a nested dictionary from a dataframe column

how to explode a nested dictionary from a dataframe column Question: I’m trying to explode the genres column into a separate data frame with (id, name) as columns. this is the data frame I’m working with this is what I’m trying to achieve i havent been able to find a solution on my own what …

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Splitting a column to create new columns

Splitting a column to create new columns Question: I have a dataframe df and a column LongColumn that that has rows like this: ABC.DEF.GHI.Address.Street.Phone.Email.Category1.Beta.MyResults.New ABC.DEG.GGI.Address.Postcode.Phone.Email.Category2.Alpha.MyResults.Old ABC.DEG.GGI.JFK.Address.Postcode.Phone.Email.Category3.Alpha.MyResults.Old DEG.III.JFK.Address.Postcode.Phone.Email.Category2.Beta.MyResults.Old I am only interested in the rows that contain MyResults I want to take the three parts Category1.Beta.MyResults, Category2.Alpha.MyResults etc. and make three columns out of them, but …

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pd.Series.explode and ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis

pd.Series.explode and ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis Question: I consulted a lot of the posts on ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis ([What does `ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis` mean? and other related posts. I understand that the error can arise with duplicate row indices or column names, but I …

Total answers: 3

Expand pandas dataframe date ranges to individual rows

Expand pandas dataframe date ranges to individual rows Question: I have to expand a pandas dataframe based on start date and end date, into individual rows. Original dataframe is as below My final dataframe should be repeated for each day between start and end date of individual rows.The result needs to be expanded for each …

Total answers: 1