
Converting a list of strings into part of a f string in Python

Converting a list of strings into part of a f string in Python Question: I have a list of error messages: errors = [ "this is an error", "this is another error", ] I am then sending this as an email using Amazon SES: ses_client.send_email( Destination={ "ToAddresses": [ "[email protected]", ], }, Message={ "Subject": { "Charset": …

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How do I format both a string and variable in an f-string?

How do I format both a string and variable in an f-string? Question: I’m trying to move both the "$" and totalTransactionCost to the right side of the field. My current code is : print(f"Total Cost Of All Transactions: ${totalTransactionCost:>63,.2f}") The code is able to move the totalTransactionCost to the right side of the field, …

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python f-strings with path parameters within fastapi path

python f-strings with path parameters within fastapi path Question: I’m wondering if you can use f strings within a path in fastapi. For example, I want to do the following: common_path = ‘/{user}/{item_id}’ @app.get(f'{common_path}/testing’) would this work? Asked By: Nicholas Hansen-Feruch || Source Answers: Yes it’s work as intended! from fastapi import FastAPI app = …

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fstring float to int with leading zeros

fstring float to int with leading zeros Question: I need to generate a string from a float which is always the length of 5. For example: input_number: float = 2.22 output_str = "00222" The float never larger then 999.xx and can have an arbitrary number of decimal places. I came up with the following code, …

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Convert a dynamically sized list to a f string

Convert a dynamically sized list to a f string Question: I’m trying to take a list that can be size 1 or greater and convert it to a string with formatting "val1, val2, val3 and val4" where you can have different list lengths and the last value will be formatted with an and before it …

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f-string with percent and fixed decimals?

f-string with percent and fixed decimals? Question: I know that I can to the following. But is it possible to combine them to give me a percent with fixed decimal? >>> print(f'{0.123:%}’) 12.300000% >>> print(f'{0.123:.2f}’) 0.12 But what I want is this output: 12.30% Asked By: tturbo || Source Answers: You can specify the number …

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Python 3.9.12: f-string error – SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Python 3.9.12: f-string error – SyntaxError: invalid syntax Question: I am using Spyder with Python 3.9.12 Here is the code I have inside Spyder: user_input = (input(‘Please enter a number between 1 and 12:>>’ )) while (not user_input.isdigit()) or (int(user_input) < 1 or int(user_input) > 12): print(‘Must be an integer between 1 and 12’) user_input …

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Python printing tabular data

Python printing tabular data Question: Hell All, I have been trying to print tabular data from two dimensional list numerical are right aligned, strings are left aligned and width of a column is dynamically decided based on max string length in each column Example-A: table = [[‘Name’, ‘Marks’, ‘Division’, ‘ID’], [‘Raj’, 7, ‘A’, 21], [‘Shivam’, …

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List comprehension using f-strings

List comprehension using f-strings Question: I have three variables a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 and I want to have a string like ‘a=1, b=2, c=3’ so, I use f-string, x = ” for i in [a, b, c]: x += f"{i=}" but it gives, x ‘i=1, i=2, i=3, ‘ how do …

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Execute f-string in function

Execute f-string in function Question: I have a string = ‘long company name with technologies in it’ and want to replace all tokens starting with search_string =’techno’ with a new token replace_string = ‘tech’. I wrote a function: def group_tokens(company_name, string_search, string_replace): try: x = company_name.split(" ") print(f"x = [re.sub(‘^{string_search}.*’, ‘{string_replace}’, i) for i in …

Total answers: 3