
Factorization: What went wrong with d?

Factorization: What went wrong with d? Question: Consider: Enter image description here Input: 20 17 999997 Output: 2^2 * 5 17 757 * 1321 My code: a = int(input()) # Find the factors first for i in range(2, a+1): s = 0 b = a d = 0 # See if it is a prime …

Total answers: 3

Can someone explain to me this part of Dixon's factorization algorithm?

Can someone explain to me this part of Dixon's factorization algorithm? Question: I’ve been trying to implement Dixon’s factorization method in python, and I’m a bit confused. I know that you need to give some bound B and some number N and search for numbers between sqrtN and N whose squares are B-smooth, meaning all …

Total answers: 3