
How to redirect the user after login using fetch() POST request?

How to redirect the user to another page after login using JavaScript Fetch API? Question: Using the following JavaScript code, I make a request to obtain the firebase token, and then a POST request to my FastAPI backend, using the JavaScript fetch() method, in order to login the user. Then, in the backend, as can …

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JavaScript fetch to Django view: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

JavaScript fetch to Django view: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) Question: I have a JavaScript fetch to call a URL to pass data into my Django view to update a value for the user. Error in views.py: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:Python310libsite-packagesdjangocorehandlersexception.py", line 47, in inner response = get_response(request) …

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FastAPI returns "Error 422: Unprocessable entity" when I send multipart form data with JavaScript Fetch API

FastAPI returns "Error 422: Unprocessable entity" when I send multipart form data with JavaScript Fetch API Question: I have some issue with using Fetch API JavaScript method when sending some simple formData like so: function register() { var formData = new FormData(); var textInputName = document.getElementById(‘textInputName’); var sexButtonActive = document.querySelector(‘#buttonsMW > .btn.active’); var imagesInput = …

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NameError: name 'fetch' is not defined in Selenium Console

NameError: name 'fetch' is not defined in Selenium Console Question: Hi I am trying to open Selenium, visit a URL then use driver.execute_script to send a fetch request via Console in Chrome Developer Tools within the Selenium window. However when I run it, the Selenium window opens up, visits the page, but when it gets …

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linking JavaScript code to Django database upon clicking on a button

linking JavaScript code to Django database upon clicking on a button Question: I’m asked to work on a networking website that is like Twitter. I work with HTML,CSS, Javascript for the client-side and Django for the server-side. I’m trying to link between Javascript and Django using JSON and fetch as I want to create a …

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422 Unprocessable Entity error when uploading File using JavaScript Fetch API to FastAPI backend

422 Unprocessable Entity error when uploading File using JavaScript Fetch API to FastAPI backend Question: The codes are as shown below. Backend api.py @app.post("/caption") async def caption(image: UploadFile = File(…)) -> str: # produce the caption caption = apiCaption(image) # save the image and caption information status = await apiSaveData(image, caption) return caption if status …

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How to correctly use Fetch in JavaScript and Django?

How to correctly use Fetch in JavaScript and Django? Question: I am trying to make a METAR decoder as shown: I am using fetch in Vanilla js and I plan to send the entered code to a Django view. From the Django view, the decoded data will be taken and displayed in the template. views.py …

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Unprocessable Entity when using pydantic on POST

Unprocessable Entity when using pydantic on POST Question: I’m trying to POST some data to an API method using the browser. When I use fastAPI’s Request object all is working. But when I use a pedantic model I get: 422 (Unprocessable Entity) I have tested my code with curl and again all is working. Here …

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