
Python fdb firebirdsql.OperationalError: conversion error from string "?"

Python fdb firebirdsql.OperationalError: conversion error from string "?" Question: I use the following bit to make an sql statement using the key:values in the dict record_number = 627 temp_dict = { "FOO": 752, "BAR": "test", "I": "zzzzz", "Hate": "tesname", "SQL": "testsomethingesle", "SO": "commentlol", "MCUH": "asadsa", "FILLING": "zzzzzz", "NAME": "”", } update_query = ( "UPDATE table_name …

Total answers: 1

Python Firebird WinError 193 connection error

Python Firebird WinError 193 connection error Question: import fdb def main(): con = fdb.connect(dsn=’C:AKINSOFTWolvox8Database_FBSIRKET.FDB’, user=’sysdba’, password=’masterkey’) if __name__ == ‘__main__’: main() I wrote a simple code for connecting a Firebird database with Python and fdb. When I run this, I get an winerror 193 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 9, in <module> …

Total answers: 1

How do I get a list of tables from a Firebird database?

How do I get a list of tables from a Firebird database? Question: So I’ve got a couple of Firebird databases I need to convert. I’ve managed to connect to them using python code and the kinterbasdb library, but I can’t find a way to get a list of all the tables in the database. …

Total answers: 2