
Flask-Babel shows translated text locally but not on production on GAE

Flask-Babel shows translated text locally but not on production on GAE Question: Once the app is deployed on Google AppEngine, pages show the msgid and not the translated text. I can’t see any error either. But the locale seem to be ignored on GAE (see different output in debug messages below). Other similar questions on …

Total answers: 1

Flask-Babel working in development but not translating in production

Flask-Babel working in development but not translating in production Question: I have got Flask-Babel set up and working correctly on my localhost development app (with two languages: en_GB and en_US). However, when I try to switch languages on the production app, it does nothing. The get_locale() function is returning the correct language (and I can …

Total answers: 2

Flask-Babel do not translate anything in a web project

Flask-Babel do not translate anything in a web project Question: Description of my usage: This is my project structure(basically base on Flask Web Development): ├── README.md ├── app │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── admin │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── user_admin.py │   ├── auth │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── forms.py │   │   …

Total answers: 2

Cant route urls with Flask-babel and blueprints when url doesnt specify language

Cant route urls with Flask-babel and blueprints when url doesnt specify language Question: I have been digging around Flask-babel for a while and cant seem to get the url routing with a simple blueprint. Here’s the trimmed down app on my __ init __.py file, app = Flask(__name__) babel.init_app(app) @babel.localeselector def get_locale(): return g.get(‘lang_code’, ‘fr’) …

Total answers: 1