
How to format dictionary.items , so that it will return 2 marks after comma?

How to format dictionary.items , so that it will return 2 marks after comma? Question: I have a excel sheet and I extract some values from the sheet. But some numbers extracted from the file sheet looks like: 3767.3999999999996 and it has to be: 3767,39. So just two decimals after comma. I Tried with this …

Total answers: 1

How to generate the csv file with the Number field but None value

How to generate the csv file with the Number field but None value Question: I got a requirement to get data from database and write them into file with CSV format. and the further requirement is the field needs to be sepread by the comma char, and the String value needs to be enclosed with …

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Adding whitespaces around each element of a list of lists python

Adding whitespaces around each element of a list of lists python Question: I want to add whitespaces around each element within a list of lists data = [["hello", "world"], ["python", "is", "cool"]] –> data = [[" hello ", " world "], [" python ", " is ", " cool "]] data_new = ["hello world", "python …

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pd.to_datetime doesn't work on values similar to '10/30/2022 7:00:00 AM +01:00'

pd.to_datetime doesn't work on values similar to '10/30/2022 7:00:00 AM +01:00' Question: I have a pandas dataframe with the following column: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame([’10/30/2022 7:00:00 AM +01:00′, ’10/31/2022 12:00:00 AM +01:00′, ’10/30/2022 3:00:00 PM +01:00′, ’10/30/2022 9:00:00 PM +01:00′, ’10/30/2022 5:00:00 PM +01:00′, ’10/30/2022 10:00:00 PM +01:00′, ’10/30/2022 3:00:00 AM +01:00′, …

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How to Left Strip Only "one" Zero from string in Python

How to Left Strip Only "one" Zero from string in Python Question: I have a string of numbers in this format "IIDDDDDDDD" where "I" are the integers and "D" are the decimals and the string always contains 10 numbers. I need to format it as II.DDDDDDDD but some times after formatting the number is eg: …

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Only format df rows that are not NaN

Only format df rows that are not NaN Question: I have the following df: df = pd.DataFrame({‘A’: [0.0137, 0.1987, ‘NaN’, 0.7653]}) Output: A 0 0.0137 1 0.1987 2 NaN 3 0.7653 I am trying to format each row from column A, using .iloc (because I have many columns in my actual code) into, e.g. 1.37%. …

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How To Transform a Number from Decimal Format to Custom Format?

How To Transform a Number from Decimal Format to Custom Format? Question: I have a dataframe in Python where two columns are filled with numbers in decimal format, eg: a) 1.02234583 b) 0.98232131 I have to transform the columns values into a specific format that goes like: a) 0102234583 b) 0098232131 The mandatory length for …

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Python, Removing New Line in List

Python, Removing New Line in List Question: I have the following Codesample: Codesample: import string import fileinput Path = ‘/Volumes/test_copy.txt’ #/I filename = Path with open(filename) as file_object: lines = file_object.readlines() mylists = [item + "ENDTOKEN" + for item in lines] mylists2 = ["STARTTOKEN" + item + "ENDTOKEN" + for item in lines] #/O print(mylists) …

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Convert json with data from each id in different lines into one line per id with python

Convert json with data from each id in different lines into one line per id with python Question: I have a json file with the following format: { "responses":[ { "id":"123", "cid":"01A", "response":{nested lists and dictionaries} }, { "id":"456", "cid":"54G", "response":{nested lists and dictionaries} } ]} And so on. And I want to convert it …

Total answers: 3