
Flask-Babel shows translated text locally but not on production on GAE

Flask-Babel shows translated text locally but not on production on GAE Question: Once the app is deployed on Google AppEngine, pages show the msgid and not the translated text. I can’t see any error either. But the locale seem to be ignored on GAE (see different output in debug messages below). Other similar questions on …

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Why does gunicorn need to restart so often in my gcloud appengine app?

Why does gunicorn need to restart so often in my gcloud appengine app? Question: I am using Flask to run an application. The application will be deployed on gcloud appengine. Currently, when I run it on my local dev machine, there is no issue. But when I run it on gcloud appengine, it appears that …

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Internal Server Error when deploying simple Flask app onto GCloud

Internal Server Error when deploying simple Flask app onto GCloud Question: When I run this app locally, it works fine. In the cloud, I get the error below. I think it’s my yaml file. As a side note, if there is anything in the logs I should not be sharing, I’d appreciate knowing. Thank you! …

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Python – Memory limit exceeded during Google App Engine deployment

Python – Memory limit exceeded during Google App Engine deployment Question: I am creating a Python project and deploying it to Google App Engine. When I use the deployed link in another project, I get the following error message in Google Cloud Logging: Exceeded hard memory limit of 256 MB with 667 MB after servicing …

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502 Bad Gateway in GAE with Django, & Log say " No such file or directory"

502 Bad Gateway in GAE with Django, & Log say " No such file or directory" Question: Django 4.0.4 Python 3.8.9 I deployed Django App to GAE. But I got "502 Bad Gateway" error. And I checked server logs. That is below. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/layers/google.python.pip/pip/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gunicorn/", line 589, in spawn_worker worker.init_process() File …

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Setting a global DB connection in Google App Engine

Setting a global DB connection in Google App Engine Question: Are there suggested ways to set a global connection in Google App Engine? The approach I am currently using seems a bit crude, and I’m doing it like this: import pymysql from flask import Flask, jsonify # lazy loading? db_conn = None db_cursor = None …

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Socket.IO https/ssl in iOS and Python App Engine

Socket.IO https/ssl in iOS and Python App Engine Question: I’ve built an GCP App Engine service in Python 3.7 using Flask and an iOS app in Swift.. the apps are using Socket.IO to connect and transfer data. Everything works great with a local deployment, however when deploying to GCP the SocketIO connection is never upgraded …

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