
Solve PnP or Estimate Pose Single Markers: which is better?

Solve PnP or Estimate Pose Single Markers: which is better? Question: I need a program to estimate the pose of an ArUco marker, and, as far as I know, I can code it with two different functions: cv2.solvePnp() or cv2.aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarker(). Which one is better? I read about them, and it seems easier to use cv2.aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarker(), …

Total answers: 1

How to use markers with ECDF plot

How to use markers with ECDF plot Question: In order to obtain a ECDF plot with seaborn, one shall do as follows: sns.ecdfplot(data=myData, x=’x’, ax=axs, hue=’mySeries’) This will give an ECDF plot for each of the series mySeries within myData. Now, I’d like to use markers for each of these series. I’ve tried to use …

Total answers: 2

Fundamental understanding of tvecs rvecs in OpenCV-ArUco

Fundamental understanding of tvecs rvecs in OpenCV-ArUco Question: I want to use ArUco to find the "space coordinates" of a marker. I have problems understanding the tvecs and rvecs. I came so far as to the tvecs are the translation and the rvecs are for rotation. But how are they oriented, in which order are …

Total answers: 2