
Gspread dataframe how to hide index column?

Gspread dataframe how to hide index column? Question: I’m trying to print a dataframe to google spreadsheets but it’s printing an extra column which is the index of the dataframe: What I’m doing is just looping a list of products: def ExportToGoogleSheets(products): """Shows basic usage of the Sheets API. Prints values from a sample spreadsheet. …

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Inserting a python list in a column in google sheet using gspread and sheet api

Inserting a python list in a column in google sheet using gspread and sheet api Question: I have a python list which contains a list of software names: list = [‘CodeBlocks’, ‘Foxit Software’, ‘GSettings’, ‘Wintertree’, ‘WordWeb’] I want to insert this list in a column in google sheet how to insert it using gspread and …

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How do I set the range to change automatically in Google Sheets API?

How do I set the range to change automatically in Google Sheets API? Question: I’m trying to use the Google sheets API to input data to the next blank cell. For example if A1 is blank, I want the API to insert the given info into A1. The next time info is given to the …

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Formatting issues with Python amd GSpread

Formatting issues with Python amd GSpread Question: I have this panda Data Frame (DF1). DF1= DF1.groupby([‘Name’, ‘Type’, ‘Metric’]) DF1= DF1.first() If I output to df1.to_excel("output.xlsx"). The format is correct see bellow : But when I upload to my google sheets using python and GSpread from gspread_formatting import * worksheet5.clear() set_with_dataframe(worksheet=worksheet1, dataframe=DF1, row=1, include_index=True, include_column_header=True, resize=True) …

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How can I Export Pandas DataFrame to Google Sheets (specific cell) using Python?

How can I Export Pandas DataFrame to Google Sheets (specific cell) using Python? Question: I can read data and write data to a google sheet. I can also write a pandas dataframe to a google sheet cell(1,1). I am now trying to write the same dataframe to a specific cell (like cell(20,20)) on a sheet. …

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Converting xlsx to Google Sheets in Jupyter

Converting xlsx to Google Sheets in Jupyter Question: I’m trying to open a xlsx file from Google Drive as a Google Sheets file in Jupyter. from googleapiclient.discovery import build from google.oauth2 import service_account SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = ‘gs_credentials.json’ SCOPES = [‘’] creds = None creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=SCOPES) SAMPLE_SPREADSHEET_ID = ‘someidhere’ RANGE = ‘somerangehere’ service = …

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