
Neo4j connector in python keeps mentioning the legacy warning for closing the session

Neo4j connector in python keeps mentioning the legacy warning for closing the session Question: i have the following code in my class: from neo4j import GraphDatabase from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Any import re from DatabaseConnector import DatabaseConnector import logging class Neo4jConnector(DatabaseConnector): def __init__(self, uri: str, user: str, password: str): self._driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, …

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create apache age graph from networkx graph

create apache age graph from networkx graph Question: I’ve started using apache age and was wondering if there is a cool way to directly put networkx graph into the apache age database? I’m using a workaround to get the edged and nodes associated with their attributes to insert them in the apache age using for …

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Finding weakly connected components in Memgraph graph

Finding weakly connected components in Memgraph graph Question: Does Memgraph have and algorithm for finding weakly connected components in graphs? I couldn’t find it among Memgraph built-in algorithms or MAGE algorithms. Asked By: Gaudeamus || Source Answers: You can use weakly_connected_components query modules. Memgraph comes with NetworkX library. NetworkX is a Python package for the …

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How can I load MAGE query modules in Memgraph?

How can I load MAGE query modules in Memgraph? Question: How can I load MAGE query modules in Memgraph? Is there a difference if a query module is written in Python or C? Asked By: KWriter || Source Answers: Query modules can be written using C API ( .so modules), and Python API ( .py …

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What is GQLAlchemy and which graph databases does it support?

What is GQLAlchemy and which graph databases does it support? Question: What is GQLAlchemy and is it limited only to Memgraph or can it be used with other graph databases? Asked By: KWriter || Source Answers: GQLAlchemy is a fully open-source Python library that aims to be the go-to Object Graph Mapper (OGM) — a …

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What are query modules in Memgraph?

What are query modules in Memgraph? Question: I keep coming across the term "query module" in blog posts related to Memgraph. What are query modules and when should I use one? Asked By: KWriter || Source Answers: Memgraph supports extending the query language with user-written procedures in C, C++, Python, and Rust. These procedures are …

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Can Memgraph use disk as a storage?

Can Memgraph use disk as a storage? Question: Memgraph is an in-memory graph database. I have a large database with nodes and relationships with metadata that doesn’t need to be used in any graph algorithms that need to be carried out in Memgraph. Is there a way to store that data on the disk rather …

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Fetching results from cypher bolt statement

Fetching results from cypher bolt statement Question: I am trying to access neo4j using neo4j python driver.I am running the following code to get a property of a thing A., I open the driver and session directly from GraphDatabase of neo4j and use to execute graph queries. These queries return a BoltStatementResult object.My question …

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